Chapter 5.

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I'm pretty sure we have been having our Tutor sessions for around a month now every Monday and Thursday evening and at lunch on a Wednesday. It's sad really because no one seems to be that bothered that either of us are missing this evenings and lunch times and that we are not spending time with our friends, however, Paul is a friend to me and I hope he feels the same towards me as I am now comfortable around him.

"So how's Embry?" I inquired as Paul was unpacking his stuff. He stopped and breathed heavily for a moment before looking at me

"Why? Why do you care?" He replied in a pleading voice with curiosity hidden in words.

"I still have feelings for him Paul. We were together for quite a while" I informed him starting to get a little annoyed that he had decided to pick this tone with me.

"I don't understand why, he doesn't want you and he made that clear I thought?" He replied sounding confused and I stood up.

"I don't actually feel like this session anymore Paul. I think it best you go." I implied and he looked at me shocked for a moment

"No I didn't mean to offend you Jay!" He said as I started to gather his stuff off the table "I just merely meant to imply that you could do much better than someone who won't even speak to you" he told me and I just looked at him

"Look just go Paul please" I told him and he sighed.

"No" he said stubbornly and I gave him a look indicating that it was probably best he didn't test me today. For starters, Embry and I would have been together for 5 years today if he would have just stuck with me, I'm also a little hurt as no one seemed to remember that it is my birthday and for the last strike I'm on my period, which is just fantastic to say the least.

"For gods sake leave!" I shouted then remembering I was the one shouting in the middle of the library so I could leave if I wished to. Which is exactly what I wanted to do.

"Nope" he said as he sat back and smirked.

"Fine then" I resorted and left I'm a hurry before Paul had time to register that I was the one leaving.

I felt stupid the moment I stepped outside as I remembered it was winter, and winter meant cold, freezing weather which I normally loved, but considering I had just upped and left, I didn't stop by my locker so I had no suitable clothing with me. Oh well! I trekked over to my mustang and opened the door only to suddenly be jolted and turned around in a gentle manner.

"Look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you or hurt you or even press the wrong buttons. I like spending time with you Jaya and I like the fact that you seem to enjoy spending time with me!" He told me and I blushed a little. "I only inquired why about Embry as I know he has feelings for another girl and that your feelings are now wasted on him. Look I just mean, you're pretty decent and for him to just, I mean-"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" I heard a group shout as they burst through the school doors just seconds before the bell rang. They stopped in their tracks as they took in the scene before them. I admit, it probably did look a little dodgy as Paul Lahote had one hand now wrapped around my waist somehow and another holding my wrist still, which I then realised and took a few steps away from him much to my body's dismay as I began to crave for his touch once again.

"Did you think we had forgotten?" Seth said clearing the awkward moment as he ran up and hugged me. "We hadn't forgotten, just merely wanted to surprise you!" He said as a huge smile appeared on his face. Then I started to be crowded by my group of friends as Quil picked me up and placed me on the bonnet of my truck before whizzing over to his car and opening his boot. I took this quick time to steal a glance at Paul, only to see him in utter shock and he seemed a little upset for a second before catching my eye and giving a small smile. He then placed his jacket over his tough body and picked up his bag. He mouthed something towards me like 'happy birthday' so I smiled warmly. The truth is, for some strange reason, Paul Lahote seemed to be the only one around me that I craved to spend my birthday with. But this thought was blocked once more as Embry tapped Paul on the shoulder and have a weak smile. They shared a little conversation to which Paul didn't seem to pleased with as they both turned to look at me, I quickly hid my face in Quils coat as he had one arm round me and pretended I didn't notice.

The group were chatting amongst themselves until I noticed a deadly silence and was nudged slightly by Quil who sat on the bonnet with me. I followed his gaze only to find Embry Call fixated on the end of it.

"Happy birthday"

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