"She peaked inside,
trying desperately
to find
where she went
wrong.But all she saw
was darkness
and -
a pair of
bloodshot eyes
back at her
while she stood
in the freezing
cold.Pouring rain
drenched her.The blood-stained
at her,
for being
so naive.After all,
who did she
think she
Sherlock Holmes?No,
not anything close
was she
to greatness
in the least.She was
an ordinary.Who's flaws
she named
'freckles'because she
beautiful things
to have.She,
who's passion
was to share
whatever she had.Yes,
she wasn't
.Quite contrary,
plain indeed.Just an ordinary
peaking inside
the dirty windows
of reality,
trying to find
her way
back home.Trying
to figure out
where it all went
w r o n g."~
Sakina's POV:
(Him=Bold Italics)10:55pm:
How's the writing going?
"It's not"10:59pm
"Are you giving up then?
Is that the end?"11:01pm
"That's being a bit dramatic,
don't you think?
Truth is...
I really don't know."11:03pm
"Why don't you know?"A sigh
escaped my lips.
It was times like these
I wished
he could read my mind.
since he,
a brilliant
I decided
the least I could do
was try
to answer.11:05pm
"I thought I'd finally found a way to voice the thoughts in my head. But I just don't feel like I'm sure so sure anymore. To most, my thoughts will hardly even make sense! I want to express myself, but I don't want to mess things up either, or share something that I may regret,
do you see my dilemma?"11:07pm
"Yeah, I know what you mean.
It kinda sounds like me when I'm playing football. I get annoyed with myself at times, over-thinking how a move I make, could possibly effect whether or not me and my team win or lose! But you know what? If I stood there contemplating all the possible ways to kick the ball so it flies straight and true or whether or not it earned us a breathtaking round of an applause from the audience, I may never know WHAT may happen! That's why I try to remind myself, that yeah, maybe I may never make the perfect shot from a perfect angle! But that I'll never know if I don't try. Same goes for you too, kiddo! Just cus we get a lil unsure of ourselves, don't mean we give up on what we love and loose sight of what's important okay?"Mmm...Kay,"
I whispered
as my eyelids
with exhaustion,
began to droop.
It wasn't until
I woke up,
early the next morning
to pray Fajar,
did I realise
I'd fallen asleep
while pressing
the recording button!
I'd whispered
that last bit
I'd like to dedicate this chapter to someone really special to me, who'll probably forever love his football more than me, but who I'll forever love more than my writing.
(If you're reading this right now, thank you for inspiring me you crazy talented yet slightly obsessed, footballer! Even if this story turns out to be a total flop, I won't forget all the little pieces of motivational advice you've given me, most probably unknowingly. Don't don't flatter yourself too much tho, alright? Remember, modesty is always more attractive and handsome in a guy than a guy who has an obsession with his ego. Not that you have a horrible ego issue, lol, it was just a reminder, kay?)
-Can anybody guess who the mystery guy is tho?
-Just incase you guys were wondering what 'Fajar' is, it's the first of the five daily prayers that a Muslim prays everyday before sunrise.
What've you all been up to recently?
How are you spending your summer holidays?Hope you're all doing well and taking care of yourself, have a lovely weekend!
Take care,
Keep smiling xo
drafted thoughts (30 Days Challenge/CPN)
Conto[ "What if I found a way to express myself without ever having to actually talk? What if I could share my thoughts without ever having to speak them?" ] Sakina Resilense always seems to have so much to say, but never seems to be able to find the co...