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⋇⊶⊰𝑳𝒚𝒍𝒂 𝑳𝒖𝒑𝒊𝒏⊱⊷⋇
I could feel the change coming. The full moon was rising in the sky, casting its eerie glow over Malfoy Manor through the small window in the cellar. I knew what was about to happen, but I couldn't stop it. This was the life I had given in to.
The pain started in my bones, a deep ache that seemed to radiate through my entire body. And then, all at once, the bones began to snap.
I let out a huge scream out of agony as the transformation took hold of me. All alone in the dark, chained up like a wild animal. The wolf inside me was clawing to get out, to be free. I tried so hard to fight, knowing for a fact everyone above would be getting a kick out of my pain.
The wolf finally took over as my frustration grew. I was finally a wolf.
She pulled and tugged at the chains, but they wouldn't budge. She was trapped, a prisoner in her own skin. In her wolf form, she lashed out, attacking herself in a desperate attempt to break free.
But having no control over myself the night dragged on, the pain and the fear consuming me. I could feel myself losing the battle, the wolf taking over completely. Causing more injury than I should have.
⋇⊶⊰𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒐 𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆⊱⊷⋇
I could hear the screams and howls all night. I would lie to say I enjoyed it like everyone other disgusting person around this Manor. But I felt sick to the stomach listening to her go through all that pain all by herself. But I could show my vulnerability.
The morning soon came, and I hadn't slept. I had to make sure she was okay. I headed to the cellar, unlocking it carefully and quietly just in case she was still in her wolf form. But to my horror, Lyla was laid face down, breathing very shallow. She was naked and bloody pouring from her open wounds, which she must have caused herself due to anger and frustration.
I bent down to her level. "I'm so sorry, princess. I really am." I unchained her and scooped her up in my arms and took her out.
Thankfully, there was still nobody about, so I carried her towards my room when a door opened.
Draco Malfoy stood looking at me, holding the naked bleeding girl.
"Is she?" He stuttered.
"She is hurt. Being chained up as a wolf never goes down well they need to run free, but I was an idoit." I grumbled.
Draco pushed my door open as I carried Lyla to the bed and laid her down. Malfoy grabbed a blanket to cover her up. "Do you know any healing spells?" Draco asked.