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•Sonic POV•

"Amy! Open up! I'm sorry I missed the date!" I banged on her apartment door. "Amy! Come on! I just wanna make it up to you!"


"Amy?! Are you even home?!" I stared at her door. Hoping she'd come out and we could talk. I was prepared for insults, her hammer, tears, everything I had ever experienced from girls.

Her eyes would fill with rage, my legs would buckle, and I'd be hit through the wall. Just like always...

But hey, it pops my back, so it works out for me anyways.

"Sonic?" I turned around when I saw Amy walking up to me. "What are you doing here?" She asked me, questioningly. "I came to apologize..." I was a little confused as to why she held so many bags in her hands.

"Oh, that's right, you missed our date...again." I winced and prepared for the yelling.

"Can you get the door? My hands are kinda full." Amy asked me. Now I was completely confused, but I preformed the task nonetheless. "Thanks Sonic, bye." Before she closed the door I put my foot between the door and myself.

"Hey, I'm really sorry and I wanted to-"

"Oh, it's okay Sonic. I don't care. Bye." And then she slammed the door in my face. Luckily, I was quick enough to remove my foot.

"What just..." I was left in shock. She didn't care? She always cares! I bet she just got it out of her system. Yeah! She shopped her problems away! Yeah...that's what happened. Tomorrow will go back to being the same old thing.

It always does.

Amy will ask me to be her boyfriend, I'll deny the offer, she'll try harder, I'll give in. Then we go on a date...if I remember.

But...how come she's so cool and collective now? Doesn't she need to let her anger out somehow?

So many thoughts ran through my head as I walked out of her apartment complex and into the mobian streets.

"Sonic! Sonic! Sonic!" I turned around and not only saw one fan of mine, but 10 others. All were young kids that either had a shirt with me on it, or some other merchandise.

That's what I get for being the hero! Merchandise, fans, and confusion 24/7.

"Being loved by all is hard work." I thought as I put on a fake smile and signed whatever the kids wanted signed.

I was on my way to Tails' house when I received a call from him. "Hey Buddy, what's up?" I asked him over the phone. "Nothing, but I just wanted to know how the date went."

I explained how I missed it and how weird Amy had been acting after I saw her. "I think that was really your last shot, bro." Tails told me. "What? No way! Amy needs me as much as we need air." I told him. "Maybe she fell in love with love with another man?" Tails told me.

"I doubt it. She shopped after I didn't show up." I explained. "You really blew it, Sonic." Tails told me.

"Shut up, man. I'm trying to get advice here. I don't want her to hate me forever!" I told him.

"Look, I don't have a girlfriend, so I can't help you. Go ask Shadow. He's had TONS of gals." Tails told me.

"Like I wanna talk to him! He's my worst rival! I'd rather swallow a garbage then call him up." I argued with Tails. "Fine, fine, don't say I didn't warn you. Are you coming for dinner?" He asked me.


A loud and annoyed sigh came and then he agreed.

"Chilidogs. Just about the 8th time this week." He sighed and hung up.

I quickly went into a sprint as I ran towards Tails' house.

"🎶 I'm getting me some do-o-ogs! Ch-Ch-Chilidogs! Yummy in my tummy. Those Ch-Chilidogs.🎶" I sang on my way there.

I was half way there when I made a quick halt. I turned my head and stared at a flower shop in front of me.

"I wonder..."

((( YAY! New story!!! Sorry this was short! You know how I make the Prologue short. This is going to be like SonAmy Ghost and be close to 2000 words or more. So expect 16-20 pages to read each time it gets updated. BYE See you in the next chapter!!")))

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