Chapter 2 Isolation

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•Amy Rose POV•

"Oh, Amy, he's there? In your house? You told us you didn't want anything to do with him!" Rouge yelled at me over the phone.

"I know, I know, but...he's really trying, Rouge. He even offered to go to the park tomorrow. Just us, to simply talk." I told her. I heard Rouge sigh, silently judging me.

"Rouge...what do I do? What if he just likes seeing me cry? What if he doesn't show up?" I asked her.

"Then I kick my foot up his no good skinny behind! I'll get Shads to rip his throat out too!" Rouge yelled through the phone. I sighed and giggled. "You're such a good friend, so, heard from Blaze and Silver?"

"No, not really. They're supposed to come tomorrow with us to the museum. I don't think Blaze can make it though." Rouge sighed. Then I heard a loud thump and then she growled. "One second, Hun."

"SHADOW! Pick up your shotgun! Don't just leave it laying around for someone to trip on!" Rouge yelled at Shadow.

"That's right...they share an apartment." Amy thought and looked out her window. Their apartment was only three blocks away from hers. "Their only friends now, but I wonder if they'll ever date? Shadows such a player though."

"Okay, as I was saying, I believe Blaze is sick or something. Last I heard she had a really high fever."

"What can you expect from a cat with fire powers?" I laughed quietly.

"Yeah, so, other then the blue boy, how was your day?" Rouge asked me, trying to sound like she didn't want to know everything. "I finally stocked my refrigerator with food; I also got some new clothes." I told her.

"Good" she said, she was failing miserably. She wanted to get in on how Sonic had been a jerk. She already knew all of it, but I guess she knew I was hiding something.

"I saw Sonic with Sally before he came over." I admitted to her.

"What?! That like blue-"

"I think she was trying to flirt with him again."

"SHADOW! Where's that shotgun?!"

I gulped and wished I hadn't told her anything. "Amy, you know you're my best friend right?" Rouge told me. "What are you about to do, Rouge?" I asked her nervously.

"I'm getting answers now. I'll be there in five minutes tops." Then she hung up.

"Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap." I put on my expressionless face and prepared to tell Sonic that Rouge was planning on putting a gun to his head. If I knew Rouge...she'd crash through my window with Shadow behind her. He wouldn't let anyone leave without him if they had his shotgun.

I popped my head out and walked over to my couch. "Sonic." I said and shook his shoulder. "Hmm? Amy? Wh-What's wrong?" He yawned and sat up. I blushed as he sat up because he had taken off his shirt and jacket he usually wore.

"Rouge is coming over here with a shotgun and Shadow." I told him.

"Uhm....why?" Sonic asked me.

"She saw you and Sally earlier and she wants answers."

I was doing good so far. Not one trace of emotion left my mouth. Sonic immediately sat up and did something I hadn't expected. He grabbed u shoulder and pulled me to where we were nose to nose.

"Whatever she said it was a lie! I didn't do or say anything like that Sally! She's a sister to me, you know? Rouge likes to exaggerate, you know that-"

"Sonic. It's okay. I wouldn't care." That was partially true. I'd care, but I wouldn't show it.

Sonic looked genuinely hurt by that statement, but I ignored it. He ignored me for years, and now he's saying that he loves me? Some romance! I honestly just wanted him to leave me alone. I couldn't cry with him here! He's such a jerk, even when he isn't trying!

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