Chapter 5 Depression

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•Sonic POV•

I woke up with tears in my eyes and covered in a warm blanket. It smelled like Amy and I didn't want to move from this spot. I was too comfortable, too happy just being here.

If I stayed asleep she wouldn't kick me out. I wouldn't have to face her again. She'd just let me stay here, right?

Could I fuse with the couch? Could I just become the couch and she'd be forced to sit on me and talk? That would be nice, really nice.

"Sonic, I've made breakfast. I'm heading off to work, bye." I heard Amy say. I moaned as a response. "Remember what we talked about." She said. I could tell she was standing right in front of me. She placed her hand on my back. And my entire being wanted to scream, but all that happened was my body stiffened.

"I'll see you in a little while." I waited until I heard the door close to sit up and grab the breakfast she had made.

I kept my eyes on the food as I ate. I didn't smile at how good it tasted. I didn't feel like smiling. I felt like crying. Amy wasn't going to accept me. She wasn't going to love me again.  My back hunched over as I laid my head in my breakfast. The cold cereal made my forehead wet.

"Kill me, kill me, kill me..." If I couldn't have Amy I didn't want to live. She was made for me. I can feel it! Why didn't I embrace this sooner? I'm such an idiot.

I stood up and trudged my way back to the couch. I flopped down with my face in the arm of the couch and my feet hung off the other end.

"I'm mopping around like a depressed little kid..." I thought to myself. "Who am I kidding? I'm depressed now, Amy's broken me."

Then I remembered something. "Wait...she said we could be friends again!" My tail wagged a little and a small smile appeared on my face.

"I can get her to love me again, I know I can!" Then Amy's phone went off. I waited for the phone to tell me who it was.

"Call from... Shadow." It said and every single piece of fur on my body stood on end.

"Why is he calling?" I wondered out loud and allowed the phone to ring.

I heard s beep and then the voice recorded message came on.

"Hey Amy, Rouge told me about what Sonic did. We were wondering if you'd like to come over for a movie? You know, to forget about that faker. K, bye."

I growled angrily and snatched up the phone before it was cut off. "I'm sure WE'D be glad to come!" I yelled at him.

"Sonic?! What are you doing at Amy's?" Shadow asked me. "I bought her a lot of stuff and now I'm broke. She's letting me live here for a few days."

"Well, Rouge only invited Amy, so you can't come."

"Screw off! I'll go wherever Amy goes!" I growled at him. I hung up the phone and took many deep breaths to calm myself.

"Amy...I promise I'll make you see. I'm not that bad." I sighed, once again depressed.

"What to do now..." I sighed again and flopped down on Amy's couch.

I decided that I might as well go out for a run, even though I didn't want to move.

I found a nice shady tree to rest and think under.

"I've been terrible. I missed the date that started all this, I got angry at everything she said, I beat up her brother, then I made myself broke."

I really was desperate for Amy's affection. I wanted to hold her and kiss her. I wanted her to kiss me like she really loved me. I want her to love me again...

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