Chapter 6 (Final) Acceptance

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•Amy POV•
(2 days later)

"Are you ready, Sonic?" I asked him. He nodded and straightened his tie. "Just in case; I'm going to bring your medicine." I said and put a small bottle in my purse.

I could tell he was deathly nervous. His hands were sweaty and he kept pulling on his shirt collar.

Part of me thought it was his fever.

"Sonic? Are you okay?" I asked him, as we walked out and I locked up my apartment. He nodded and gulped as he entwined our arms together.

"Are you okay?" He asked me carefully. I nodded and giggled. "You're doing a great job for a first date." I commented. He walked me down the staircase with nervous eyes. "Why is he so nervous? He's lived with me for like two weeks?"

I was trying my hardest to be happy right now. I was happy, ecstatic really, but I was scared, too. What if this didn't work out? I just couldn't have another heart break.

Sonic seemed to have caught a glimpse of my uneasiness before I smiled again.

"Amy...I-I promise today will go great. I'll make sure everything's perfect! I promise!" He held my hand and then brought it to his lips. He kissed my hand and my face lite up, red as red sand.

"I'm just...nervous, I suppose." I smiled at him.

We walked out of the building and Sonic still held my hand. "Sorry I couldn't afford a car..." Sonic said to me. "It's not that far, you know?" I told him, but he tightened his grip on my hand. "You deserve better then walking to a fancy place like that." He pulled me up to his chest and held me bridal style.

"Sonic? What are you-"

Sonic took off running as fast as he could. He jumped in the air and ran up a buildings wall. We were going so fast! I clung to his chest for dear life. I had never been held by him like this before, nor had he ran like this with me. The wind caused a few tears to go back from my eyes. I was grinning happily, I felt alive!

He jumped off if that building and landed on another. He made a turn to the sky and ran straight off the building to the air. He landed softly on that buildings rooftop.

"Was that fun?" He asked me as I still clung to him. I nodded, but didn't move my face from his chest. He petted my head and kissed on of my ears. "Just a few blocks away, ready?" He asked me.

"Wait a second" I said. I slowly was placed down and from my pocketbook I pulled out a comb. I combed my quills to perfection. It took a few minutes, but it looked perfect. I turned around and Sonic was holding back a laugh. "It's just gonna get messed up again." He told me.

I rolled my eyes. "Then I'll fix again when we get there." He picked me up and I wrapped my arms around him. "Ready now?" He asked me. I nodded and he took off running over rooftops.


"Reservation for Rose." I said to the waiter as Sonic waited behind me. "Ah, Rose, follow me." The waiter walked is to a circular booth. Sonic and I smiled at the waiter as he handed us the menus. He bowed as he left.

"This really is a fancy place." Sonic said to me. I giggled at him. "Of course it is." I told him. He blushed and twiddled his thumbs.

"What are you getting?" I asked him. "Uh...the lobster sounds nice, and you?" He asked back. "Probably a side salad with my spaghetti." I told him as I searched for drinks.

Sonic smiled at me, obviously not knowing what to say. I could only imagine he was thinking about what he could say.

"So how are you feeling? You still had a low grade fever this morning." I asked him. He began to sweat nervously. "Uh...I'm perfect, I've never felt better." He grinned at me.

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