Chapter 3 Anger

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•Sonic POV•

"WHAT THE HELL?! YOU IDIOT!!" I screamed and ran down to Amy's side. "What'd you that for?! You could've killed yourself!" My heart was racing with fear and adrenaline. "Oh God, Amy...your head..." I took off my shirt and wrapped it around her head like a bandana. Blood still soaked through.

"God...I have to get you to a hospital." I can't believe she did that! I can't believe it. Was she trying to kill herself? Or was she just trying to get away from me?

"Sonic, stop." She said and sat up weakly. "Stop? STOP?! Amy, you're bleeding out!" I yelled at her. Amy shook her head and put one hand on her arm. Had her arm gotten hurt too? Then I heard a loud pop and let out a yelp. "Amy, you can't just-you just popped your arm back into place! Your head and your arm needs to be looked at!" Amy shoved me away and stood up weakly.

"I'm fine, Sonic. It was just a few scraps."

I couldn't contain the rage that was growing in my gut.

"A few scraps? A FEW SCRAPS?! YOU JUMPED OUT A CAR!!! Who does that?! Do you know how idiotic that was?! Do you want to die? Is that it? Were you trying to get away from me? I was talking! Like we're supposed to be doing! Why do you hate me so much? Do you like seeing me in pain? Do you want to see me cry?!"

"Could you just...SHUT UP?!" Amy screamed in my face. "I'm tired of you thinking that you're the only one in pain here! I try, and I try, but you never understood what you meant to me! Now that you do, it's too late! Sonic The Hedgehog was too slow! The one that always gets the girl, didn't get her this time!" Amy stomped up to the car, where I had left the keys and started the engine.

"Are you gonna leave me here?! You can't drive Amy!" I yelled and banged on her window.

"You can walk back to Tails! I'm going to the museum!" And she drove away; with a bleeding head, and my shirt.

I sighed and started to run to Tails house. Amy was in no mood to see me right now. I just needed to talk it out with someone. I'd rather talk it out with Amy, but she's long gone.

"What's got you so ticked off?" Tails asked as I stomped into his house. "She jumped out the car! That idiot!" I yelled and paced back and forth.

"I'm trying my best here!" I paused and laughed uncomfortably for a moment. "I told her my feelings, I tried to be nice, I-I don't know what she wants!"

I rubbed my temples as I paced. "Who, Amy?" Tails asked and tilted his head. "Yes, Amy! That little-and she's out with another guy now! She just loves seeing me like this! That was her plan all along! She's just gonna show me how it feels them come swinging her hammer right back into my arms! Very cleaver!" I had his hands pulling on my quills now. "I bet she put cameras here too! I get it Amy! I'm sorry! Come on and-"


I blinked a couple times before taking in a deep breath. I exhaled and inhaled about four times before I felt like I was calm.

"Thank you, Tails. I needed that." I said and rubbed my cheek. "Did you have to slap so hard, though?" I asked him.

"Yes. Yes I did." Tails replied and dragged me to his living room. "What are doing?" I asked him. "Look, you're obviously going through the stages. I think you need to chill and move on away from Amy. She's not interested anymore, Sonic."

"That's idiotic." I said and crossed my arms as I sat on his couch. "If she wasn't interested she wouldn't have been crying." I pointed out with a smirk. "That proves nothing, Sonic. All it proves is you hurt her feelings."

"No it doesn't. You don't know about this stuff, Tails." I said and stood up. Going here wasn't the best idea. Tails didn't know about love. I needed to talk to someone who knew about love.

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