Chapter 1 Denial

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I ran into the store and bought Amy's favorite type of flower. I stared at them as I approached the check out line. "You better help." I growled at them.

"What the occasion?" The employee asked me as she pulled out a paper bag. "Uh...apology flowers?" I blushed and shrugged my shoulders. "Nice, that'll be 25 rings." The employee said and opened up the cash register. She pulled out a card from the paper bag and placed it with the flowers.

I'm sorry
I'm sorry
Can you forgive me?
The flowers are for you, and only you
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I love you...

I snarled at the poem. "Hey, I'm not apologizing for cheating! She's not even my girlfriend!" I snapped at the employee. "Enjoy your day sir, please leave." The employee said with a sigh. I growled with annoyance. I took the poem off as I stomped out of the shop. "Fine! I'll go make my own poem for Amy!"

That's when the employee and the entire store gasped and looked at me. I didn't care, though! This shop is definitely not on my list to buy flowers from anymore.


I was stumped. I had no idea what to write to her! What did she want to hear?!

She wasn't really mad, right? And she didn't not care....

If she care about a missed date...what else would she not care about? What if I started to date another girl? Would she get mad? I hope so! That shows she cares...

I-I mean, I don't need to see her. I don't need to know she still cares for me. She always has, and always will, simple as that.


Man was I tired of all this. I hated it when Amy was mad at me. And she's always so cheery, but now...she just seemed expressionless.

"Hey Sonic!" I turned around from the desk I was sitting at. "How's the poem going?" Tails asked as he presented me with dinner.

"Terrible! I have no idea what to write!" I said through a mouthful of chilidogs.

"I think she's got a boyfriend." Tails said and took a bite out of his chilidog.

I clenched and unclenched my hand. "Nah, it's not that. It must be part of her plan!" I told him.


"What could she be planning? A trap? Something to torture me with?!" I thought worriedly. "I doubt it Sonic...maybe she just grew up?" Tails smirked. My eyes widened. "But...Amy's my fan! She can't just not care anymore!"

I quickly covered my mouth as a bright blush appeared on my cheeks. "Sonic, Sonic,'re quite jealous, aren't you?" Tails smiled evilly. "Sh-Shut up! I-I'm not jealous!" I yelled at him and crossed my arms. "Her new boyfriend must be a big hotshot if she left you for him."

I knew what he was doing. And it was working...

"Well, if she does have a boyfriend; I'd like to meet him." I said angrily. "Yea, yea, yea, Mr. Not Jealous wants to see the boyfriend. I bet you'll want to see their kid too!"

I'd had it with this clown. "Shut up, man...I'm leaving." I grabbed my chilidogs and ran off with a pencil and that blank paper. Tails was laughing hysterically as I zoomed out the front door.

"Idiotic...piece of..." I mumbled as I kicked a rock down the street.

"Still no idea what to say to her..." I thought solemnly. "She deserves a good poem." I stated to myself.

"Sonic?" My ears flew up as I turned around. I hoped it was Amy. I wanted it to be her so I could apologize again.

"Oh...hey Sally..." I said and turned back around. "You look bluer then ever, what's happened?" She asked and touched my arm. All the nerves in my body cringed. I took a quick step away from her and rubbed the part of my arm she had touched.

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