November 21, 1861

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November 21, 1861

          It has been a couple of months since the war began, lest I shall say it has not been a good one. Abraham Lincoln has become president and many people on the south do not seem to agree with it. They have asked to succeed and break away from our country because we cannot see eye to eye with most issues. Lincoln believes that we should not divide and therefore have declared war against the south. They are calling themselves the confederates and now we are known as the Union.

          The confederate forces have attacked our forts and President Lincoln has asked for brave souls to join the union and fight. The confederates are building their army, much like we are yet it is hard to know how strong they become as the winter appears. The people assure us, they have said we have things that the confederates do not. We have men, many men ready to join and fight; Millions compared to the south…who only have thousands. They have said we have good transportations and many factories to produce our weapons, yet; I cannot help but wonder if it is all spoken for the benefit and reassurance for all who fight. I have heard whispers in the black of night that the confederates have men who can kill miles away with but one shot. They have whispered that the common man in the south hath more knowledge and skills then a man who has fought here for years. Many have questioned why this is, yet it all returns to the mere fact that many of our prestigious military schools are located in the south. Our union hath been invading their land hoping to over throw, but we must remember it is their land we are assaulting; they know it far better than we do.

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