Chapter 4

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Isabella's POV.

The movie finished and we all stood up to leave. Cherry and Marcia headed on their way home and i went with Dallas, johnny and Ponyboy.

"You can meet the rest of the gang." ponyboy said.

"Sure kiddo." i said rubbing my arms coz it was chilly. I felt something on my shoulders and saw it was a leather jacket- Dallas's leather jacket. I pulled it around me. This was gonna kill me but i said ,"Thanks."

Dallas winked at me. "No problem kiddo." he mocked.

"Im like the same age as you so can it." i shot, regaining my jackass personality.

We walked in silence to Ponyboy's house. When we got home i smelled food. Chicken- cake- beer? I stepped inside behind Johnny and ponyboy. Their friends looked up. I recognized sodapop and Steve from the DX.

"They brought home a girll!!" one of them with sideburns announced. I rolled my eyes.

I handed dallas back his jacket and plopped on the couch, throwing my feet up on sodapop. He looked at me and frowned.

"Hey sodapop." i said placing my hands behind my head.

"Hey izzy..." he grumbled.

"Don't be like that! I know you love me!" i teased reaching over to pinch his cheek. He was my ex from a few years back and i still pick on him for it whenever i can. I wasn't as rude back then so it hurt us both when i let him go after i moved. And now that i see him, he doesn't look too bad.

"Get your hands off my face!" he said pushing my hand away.

"Whatever you say pepsi." i used to always call him that. He hated it. Ponyboy looked up.

"Pepsi?" he asked. I nodded. "She's you're ex from grade school?"

Soda bowed his head and nodded. I chuckled.

"I'm such a disappointment eh?" i teased running my finger through his hair before standing up. I stretched and walked over to the kitchen. Darry was cooking. I smirked and walked over, snatching a peice of fried chicken off the pan. Darry looked up and his eyes grew wide.

"Izzy?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Nah it's her mom." i said.

Darry chuckled. "More sarcastic eh?" he asked going back to cooking.

"Whole lot." i said taking a bite out of the chicken. I walked back out into the living room. I finished my chicken and flicked the bone at steve. He scowled and threw it on the table.

"Watch it kid." he shot.

"No you watch it." i said walking to the door.

"Where you goin?" sodapop asked.

"That place where i sleep and shower and-"

"Geez night." he said standing up. I laughed and pushed through the door and walked out down the street. I came into town and saw a pawnshop still open. I walked inside and glanced around. There was this old lady behind some shelves, dusting. I looked around for a bit and found a beautiful journal. It had a black leather cover and a buckle on the side. Then i saw this small vase next to it. The size of a 'drink me bottle' from Alice In Wonderland. I picked it up and admired it paisely pattern. Suddenly the old lady appeared behind me.

"That ink is cursed you know." she said dusting the shelves.

I scoffed. "Sure it is- and im santa clause."

"Don't believe me? It can casts spells. Its famous one- stopping a heart from ever loving again." she said.

I rolled it in my fingers. "Really?" i asked.

"Yes dear. If you want proof..." she trailed off.

"Deal. Show me how this works." i said knowing it was probably fake. She dipped a small stick in the ink and held my hand in her wrinkled one.

She drew a small heart on the side, it was beautiful. A white and gold heart, no bigger than a dime. "When this heart disappears, so will your being able to love. Any thoughts or memories of love will be gone forever within a matter or weeks."

I admired it. "Won't this just wash off with water?" i asked.

"It's special ink. Liquid proof." she said. I held the journal in my hand.

"Since you only have a matter of weeks before you forget what love and happiness is... You can keep that. No charge." she said sadly, as pittying me. I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks..." and i walked out. Suddenly i felt a sharp pain in my chest- my heart. I looked down and saw the heart on my hand glow and then fade.

This can't be real right? I thought. I walked home in silence. Thoughts racing around.

Unable To love| Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now