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"And then I convinced Ulysses to install us a hidden bathroom door, to give us a sort of bunker in case the Compound was ever invaded. But really, it just looks cool!" Georgie finished explaining to Chloe the lack of a bathroom in the dorm as I sat down on my newly made bed, wondering what to do with the extra sheet that was left for me.

"I'll show it to you girls, because you'll obviously need it if you're going to live here. You can grab your toiletries," she said, still enthused about the fact that she got two new roommates. Living with Lana must have had its downsides.  

Chloe walked back to her bunk for her suitcase as I reached for my own. I pulled out a small, blue fabric zippered pouch that contained a toothbrush, toothpaste, a few ponytails, and one bobby pin. That was pretty much all I brought with me from Femme. I got up from the bed quietly, and looked back to make sure I hadn't bothered Lana. She was the last person I wanted to be enemies with.

I was pretty surprised when Georgie had mentioned there was a conjoined bathroom. There was only one door in and out of the room as far as I knew. When Chloe joined Georgie and I by the mirror, Georgie smiled excitedly.

"Ready?" she clapped her hands together and walked toward the mirror on the wall, not really counting on a reply from us. She put pressure on the top right hand corner of the mirror and it swung open with a popping noise. I opened my eyes wider in awe; I was not expecting that. Beyond the doors was a two foot long mini-hallway which opened up to a counter with two bathroom sinks. Georgie went in and beckoned for us to follow.  

Chloe hustled in first, but I took a moment to inspect the doorframe. The mirror was held to the wall by magnets, which when under pressure must have popped open. It was a simple yet effective design. Georgie turned back and caught me looking at it.

"I designed the doors myself," she said uneasily, "I was quite into mechanics back in Femme."

"But they didn't want you to, did they?" I asked sympathetically. She shook her head sadly.  

"Anyway, here's the bathroom," she changed the subject. I stepped into it and finally got a good view. It was really large, with tiled sea foam green walls and modern country sinks. There was a toilet blocked off on one side with a half wall for privacy, and a shower in the corner.  

"That's a lot of stuff," Chloe said, gesturing toward the counter. It was lined neatly with tens of hundreds of hair products, styling tools, makeup, nail polish bottles, you name it.  

"Right... Let's just say Lana overpacked a bit when she came to the Compound. I wouldn't touch anything if I were you..." Georgie added in a hushed tone, looking over her shoulder to make sure Lana hadn't overheard.  

"But you can set your things down on the shelves over there in front of the shower, that's where mine is," she pointed to three white shelves stacked horizontally on the wall after the counter but before the shower. The bottom one was obviously Georgie's because it had two average sized makeup bags and a few brushes on it. I walked over and set my seemingly small pouch on the top one, feeling awkward for having so little. Chloe claimed the middle shelf with a large red tote filled with what looked to be everything from her bathroom.  

"It's okay if you didn't bring something," Georgie said to me, "You can get some in the City, I hear there are sign-ups for tomorrow."  

“Mac, said she'd take me to the art museum."

"Art museum? I want to go!" Chloe exclaimed.

"Oh, it's beautiful! You'll love it! And Mac offered to take you? You're so lucky! She's one of the best trainers!" Georgie said with a little too much enthusiasm for my liking.  

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