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In just about any cliché romantic movie in Femme, a beautiful girl would pass out from some stupid cause and fall into the strong arms of a gorgeous boy she loved. I, on the other hand, blacked out from a fight and fell into some strong arms as well. The only difference was that they dropped me on the grassy ground and I passed out completely.  

I blurred in and out of consciousness for what seemed like days, constantly hearing different voices conversing, but echoing as if from a distance. My eyes felt as if they were glued shut with glue. I couldn't open them for all the money in the world. Yet some voice in the back of my head kept saying "Wake up!" I almost listened, but I didn't cave. I was truly comfortable in that moment, with absolutely no worries and with no single care in the world. The tempting voice receded, and I fell into a deeper sleep.

A little while later, the voice crept its way back into my head. This time, more urgent.

"Wake up!"

My unconsciousness faltered for the slightest moment, making my eyes open the slightest amount. I vaguely heard talking, and saw a few moving blobs, but I gave in to my tiredness and shut my eyes. I didn't want to be part of the world yet.  

I heard the persuasive voice yet again, and it was frustrating me. Well, as frustrated as I could be in a dreaming state. I once again attempted to open my eyes, using the same process as before. The light was a little too intense, causing my eyes to water as they adjusted to the scene in front of me. The first thing I noticed was the bright, fluorescent light above me. The next thing was the four faces hovering over mine.

"She's awake!" Chloe exclaimed. Ulysses sighed in relief, and Ethan smiled. The fourth person I didn't know, but was maybe a tad older than me. He seemed to have pretty high authority.  

"Donna," he said, "I'm Oliver, I work in the healing ward. Do you remember what happened to you?"  

"Um..." I struggled to reach for my memories as I tried to get used to my voice, "I remember a fight, lots of punching... With Lana. I got the air knocked out of me a few times."

"Mhm," Oliver nodded, recording my reply on a piece of paper, "That's what caused you to eventually black out: low oxygenation. Impressive work though: no one beats Lana. I was able to heal your bone bruisings, but your skin bruises should be gone within a few days."

I nodded and rubbed my eyes.  

"That was amazing!" Chloe came over as soon as Ulysses went to chat with Oliver.  

"How long was I out? Is Lana okay? Will I-"

"Whoa, calm down!" Chloe stopped me, smiling, "You were only out for about twenty hours. It's currently... 2:15 in the afternoon."

"We thought you were in a coma," Ethan joked.

"Donna?" Ulysses interrupted, "Oliver claims you're free to go."

I gave a slight smile of relief and pulled myself up to sitting position. I groaned as I felt the soreness travel like a shock throughout my body. Chloe reached out a helping hand, but I shook it off as I placed my bare feet on the ground and pushed myself up. The pain was extreme, but I somehow managed to keep a straight face.  

"Oh, and no extreme physical activity for at least a few days," Oliver leaned in through a door briefly and left.  

"Donna, you are free to roam about the City if you'd like. There's not much for you to do at the Compound in your state. Oliver thinks you should be back to normal within three days," Ulysses told me. I located my shoes by the wall of the room, and painfully managed to put them on.  

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