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A few minutes after Ava and Lucas left my room, I sat down on my floor. I was sick of my bed. It seemed to be my place of self-pity. I crossed my legs and took a deep breath. I held my hand up to inspect it. The gauze was starting to irritate me. I unwound my hand slowly, regardless of the fact that it didn't hurt me. When I was finished, I steadily turned my hand around. My knuckles were no longer bleeding. The only evidence of my outburst were my scabbed-over knuckles. I sighed. Suddenly, I heard the front door open downstairs.  

"I'm telling you, Mother, she needs to be placed in a mental hospital!" Elle explained to whom I believed was our mother. I stood up, opened my door, and headed downstairs. When the two were visible from my point on the stairs, I stopped. They stopped talking to look up at me. Elle had just come back from her tennis lessons and was dressed in an ugly pink tennis dress. I returned their stares.

"Donna, honey, please change into something more appropriate. You're not at the gym anymore." Mother said, as if nothing had happened today. I looked down at myself. I was wearing a white camisole with grey sweatpants.

"No." I told her firmly. I ran back into my room. My old mother was back. And I didn't like her one bit. After I slammed my door shut, I proceeded to my window, which had a view of the backyard. I stood there and took in its details, making my mind drift away to the many problems at hand.  

I heard my door click open. I could tell it was Mother by the way her shoes tapped on the hardwood floor. She was alone. I held my left hand so that she couldn't see the damage done to it.  

"Donna? I brought you the tablet." she said sternly, "Miss Hennessy sent out a Gathering update." I snorted at the sound of her name.  

“Are we really not going to talk about what happened at the hospital?” I glared at her.

“Donna,” she hissed, “I told you to keep that to yourself. Keep your mouth shut, and take the tablet.”

“I can’t believe you,” I narrowed my eyes at her.

“Take the tablet, Donna!”

"Leave it on the bed!" I said frustratingly, turning my head out the window. She tossed it on the bed. She stood there for a while, as if she had something more to say, but she sighed and left the room. After I heard her shut my door, I gave a frustrated sigh and rushed over to the tablet. Whatever Hennessy had to say had to be entertaining. I unlocked the tablet. The wallpaper was of some preset skyscraper. I always hated it because it reminded of downtown Femme. When I was about to tap on the photo library, I heard Mother open the door to Elle's room. They mumbled something for a while but I wasn't paying much attention. I stood up and put my ear to the door.  

"I told you! Something is up with her!" Elle said.

"I've noticed that too. But not to fear, the Gatherings will straighten her out."

I've been acting strange? Me? Oh no, I had only been stunned by my first Gathering only to come home to a dying grandmother. No big deal. I decided to control my anger by calmly walking away from the door and sitting back down on my safe haven, or my bed. I opened the 'Updates' box on the tablet.

Ms. Hennessy's ugly face showed up along with a play button. Looking at all the contacts she send her video, they all appeared to be only girls. I reluctantly hit the play button.

"Hello lovely lady!" she said in that awful voice of hers, "I hope you had a stunning time at your first Gathering! I hope you are ready for your second one!"

I was stunned, alright. Was I ready for part two? Definitely not.

I had a strong urge to throw the tablet out the window.

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