Prologue ~ The Rules

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Note: Alec is pictured in this chapter's preview.
I want this story to be as good as I can possibly make it, so please if there is an error, comment and let me know. I will also love any other comments you have. My updates will most likely be random, and only be when I'm inspired. There will be swearing and most likely some explicit content :) also, I'm going to switch the point of view nearly every chapter, because I want you to understand these characters just like I do, and I feel like some experiences will be more heartfelt if seen through the right character's eyes. A special thank you to Bookshabb for the cover :)

"The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That's what I hope to give you forever." - The Notebook


"I could get just as many girls as you!" Blue eyes flamed as the teenaged boy growled out the words.

Teenaged might not fully describe the 17 year old, for he was nearly 6 feet tall, and 170 pounds. Calling him a boy was a stretch.

"Don't get too riled up, Winters." This one was a lot calmer. Confident. To the blue eyed one, his smirk was aggravating. Infuriating. They were the same age, with this boy being an inch or two taller than the former. Ten pounds heavier, a lean, athletic build matching that of the other.

"You're so full of shit. Everyone has the same odds. You being 'bad' has nothing to do with how many girls you get." Winters snarled. He ran a hand through his brown hair, disheveling the gelled up masterpiece in frustration.

"I don't suppose you have any ideas on how to solve our little... Disagreement... Do you, Caleb?" The corners of his lips perked up to a small smile.

"I don't like it when you smile like that. Your smiles are sinister." Caleb glowered. "What are you thinking?"

"You wouldn't happen to have a pretty Adams girl living next door, would you, boy next door?" The smile was now cruel and unforgiving.

"Alec. What are you talking about? What does she have to do with this?" Winters was practically bristling. She was his neighbor, they had been friends when they were young! He didn't understand why she had to be dragged into this.

Alec laughed, crossing his strong arms over his chest. "I'm just talking about a little game. Why? Are you scared?" His smile was gone.

"A game?" Caleb's eyebrows furrowed as his eyes narrowed. "What kind of sick game are you talking about?"

"You're the one that ranted on about how girls don't prefer bad guys over the good guys. Why don't we find out? Me against you? Let's see who she falls for." The smirk never left Alec's face.

"You are unbelievable!" He raised his voice, pointing a finger at Alec's chest.

Alec laughed, simply swatting Caleb's hand away. "You haven't even heard me out yet. It wouldn't just be some kind of sick free for all."

Caleb pulled his hand back, and pushed up the sleeves of his long sleeved polo. "Are you suggesting..." He grimaced.

"Yes. Rules. Just like a game. Obviously, be a man, and don't intentionally sabotage the other's dates." He chuckled. He would have been the only one to do any sabotaging, but decided to make it fair.

"No fucking anyone else during the game." Caleb spat out. He'd make him pay, at least. "And you have to meet her parents. Formally. As in have dinner with her family." He was fully aware of how protective her father was, and knew it'd be a disadvantage for Alec when he doesn't meet daddy's standards.

"Fine. Can I fuck her though? I'm sure I'll be able to get her to love me in an hour." Alec winked, laughing.

"No sex. God. You're such an ass. And clearly, don't tell her it's a game." Caleb sighed. It was so wrong. "What does the winner get?" The question simply slipped out.

"Winner gets whatever he wants when the time comes. To be determined. Nothing outrageous, though. The game will last three months, which should be fair enough. It starts Monday." A lazy smile plastered itself onto Alec's face as he thought about the next few months. Winning. His dark, almost black, brown eyes nearly sparkled. Don't let yourself get too happy there, Montgomery. He thought sourly. "If you win, I'll reconsider if me being a 'bad boy' has any effect on if I get more girls than regular guys, but if I win, I'll take it as solid evidence that bad boys always win."

"Whatever. Rules can be added as we go along?" Caleb was waging a war on the inside. It was like making a deal with the devil. There was almost a certainty that Alec would hurt her. He felt responsible, and that he should say no. But he couldn't handle the arrogance that filled the boy that sat across from him.

"Of course, within reason." A wide open, toothy grin followed the response. "Do you agree to the terms placed so far, and accept to play the game?"

"Yes." He swallowed hard, already regretting his decision.

"May the best man win, Winters." Alec reached a hand across the table, sternly shaking Caleb's and then stood, pushing a chair back. He glanced at the untouched burger in front of Caleb. Personally, he hadn't even ordered anything. "I want you to know that the cow that the burger was made from practically lived in its own shit, and I wouldn't be surprised if some of that shit is in your burger. Not to mention all the added chemicals. Fast food. Delicious, right? Probably a proper meal for you, though." He scoffed, and finally left.

Caleb sat back, glanced at the burger, and sighed. This would either be the worst or greatest decision he'd ever made.

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