Chapter 3 ~ Gym or Heaven? ~ Harper's POV

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Small Note: Eryn is pictured in the preview above except with loosely curled hair.

​​"I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more." - Angelita Lim


  I stayed still and watched Caleb approach me. Well, I watched his arms most of the time. God bless all the hot guys in this gym class that didn't know what a regular t-shirt was. Caleb was hot and all, but I'm pretty sure he only wants to be friends. I'm not even sure if I want to be friends with him.

  "How ya doing, Harp?" He chuckled as he finally got close to me. "It's an honor to be on the same frisbee team as you." He bowed slightly, which made me also chuckle.

  "I'm eager to watch you carry our team to victory. I can't throw a frisbee for shit." I turned slightly away from him to see all the other teams start to gather. We were on the red team, and I could see that Alec had been placed on the purple team. I had agreed on a date with him, but only under the condition that he didn't bring me anywhere near his house. I didn't think that he actually cared enough to be persistent in asking me out. Of course, he might not want to ruin his recent streak of getting whatever girl he wants. I'm not stupid, though. I have no plans of becoming attached to him, but I figured it'll be a fun experience anyway. Not very often are you asked out by the school's bad boy.

  I suddenly realized that I was going to give them a chance. As long as I make sure I stay emotionally distant, I can figure out if Caleb's sudden desire to be friends is genuine, and that Alec isn't just doing his best to make me another trophy in his case. I was going to be as careful as I could be with both of them.

"Hey? Harper? You there?" I snap back to reality to see Caleb laughing in front of me. His teeth were unnaturally straight and white. I guess that's what money gets you.

"How are your teeth so perfect?" I inquire, slightly leaning in and squinting to see his teeth closer. "Like, they're so perfect that it's almost unnatural. That's actually amazing."

Caleb's laugh deepened. "Come on, we're playing against purple." He grabbed my wrist to pull me into the court with our team and I could feel my face erupt into a blush.

Okay, if I'm going to be completely honest here, I probably haven't been touched by a guy that wasn't family in about 6 months. Tragic, I know.

I'm capable of running and I can kind of catch, so it's fair to say that I'm okay at ultimate frisbee. You score by catching the frisbee in the end zone, and you can't run with the frisbee.

Caleb stops at the center of our side of the basketball court, where we were playing our game. I looked over at Alec and he was still watching us with narrowed eyes. He noticed that I was looking at him and smirked.

Almost as soon as the game started, I tripped over an untied shoelace and was an inch away from face planting directly onto the hardwood when someone caught my arms. I turned, to realize it was two people that had caught me, and if looks could kill, they'd both have been dead from the other's stares. Their attention snapped back to me, and they gently helped me up as I had been kneeling after their swift catches.

"Falling for me again, sweetheart? We only just met." Alec's deep voice was practically purring from amusement. His voice was partially overlapped by Caleb's far more concerned tone.

"Harper, are you okay?" He breathed out, clearly relieved that I hadn't broken all of my teeth.

"In your dreams, Montgomery." I scoffed. "And yes, Caleb, I'm fine. Let's get to playing." I turn to leave, to immediately fall flat on my ass.

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