Chapter 5 ~ Oh God ~ Harper's POV

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Small Note: Alec's friend Reed is pictured above in the preview.

"If I know what love is, it is because of you." - Herman Hesse


We have already ordered our drinks, and so far it's been fairly silent since I threw out the empty carton of cigarettes. I was thankful for the silence, because it gave me time to think.

Alec was very attractive, and so far everything I've seen from him was the opposite of how he behaved at school. Of course, the motorcycle was still the same, but that might be my favorite thing about him so far. I was surprised to learn that he didn't actually smoke frequently, and was curious to know if the same went for his friends.

Riding his motorcycle was amazing. The wind and the rush made me feel more alive than I ever have. If you ever get the opportunity to ride a motorcycle, don't let that chance go. It's important to do the things that scare you, because most of them become some of the greatest experiences you'll ever have.

Another reason for me enjoying the motorcycle ride was definitely Alec. Mostly his body, but he also showed that he wasn't as heartless as he tried to make himself seem when he told me to be careful.

Alec cleared his throat across from me, and I pulled my mind out of my thoughts. "Uh, I don't really know what to do... On a date, I mean." He muttered, his deep voice quiet. His messy brown hair was starting to fall all over his forehead, obviously messed up from the ride.

I giggled. "We get to know each other. Why did you even ask me out?" Of course I still wanted to know, I don't exactly have a lot of trust in people in the first place and I certainly don't trust Alec with anything except that motorcycle.

"You know. You're hot. You actually have a brain. You obviously don't want me and that kind of bothers me." He spoke slowly, clearly unsure of how I'd react as he slipped a hand into his hair, pulling it back up to its natural place. I had a feeling he wasn't being truthful, but it seemed like a reasonable scenario.

"The last two reasons go together." I smirk, looking down as the waitress comes back with our drinks. I had water, and he had a coke. I slide the glass over to me and take a moment to appreciate our view as I sipped from the straw. The sun was going down already and we had a booth by the window. Some endings are so beautiful.

"I'll just tell you the worst thing about me right now. I've never taken a girl to my house because I'm afraid they won't leave and I'll have to deal with them after the fun stuff. I go to their house so when I'm done I can leave." He doesn't look at me when he says it, and his voice is lower than usual.

I immediately feel as if I've made a mistake. I shakily stand. I want to leave as soon as I can. "Um. I'm going to go to the bathroom."

I can see something flash in his eyes, and he goes to open his mouth, but stops. He simply nods.

I rush to the bathroom, tugging my sweatshirt closer to my body. I pull my phone out and sit up on the counter along with the sinks. I open up Pokémon Go, because that's a thing now, to calm down. I'm excited to find a Pidgey, because I'm working on evolving my Pidgeotto. Yes, I know my shit.

After catching the Pidgey, I put my phone back in my pocket and hop off the counter. I've calmed down, and realized that I shouldn't have expected anything less from Alec Montgomery. Half of that was stuff I already knew. Maybe hearing it come out of his mouth just made it more real.

I walk back to our table to see the waitress taking Alec's order. He smiles when he sees me.

"I thought you were going to leave." He confesses. "What do you want to have as an appetizer? I was thinking mozzarella sticks."

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