Chapter 6 ~ Ever Since I Saw Her Hips Moving in Macy's ~ Alec's POV

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"I choose you. And I'll choose you over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you."


I had just got done settling Reed down in a taxi when I noticed Harper shivering in my peripheral vision. "You cold?" I joke before giving the driver directions to Reed's house. I'd have to come with him to get his car in the morning.

"Only a little." She muttered, kicking something with her shoe.

I knew she was lying, and I was torn. Under my jacket, all I had was my tank top. The sun was long gone and the temperature had dropped. "Fuck." My only other option was buying her a jacket for herself.

"I'll be fine." She tried to reassure me, and started biting one of her finger nails.

"Hey." I grab the hand that she's biting the nail from, and slowly pull her hand away. I chuckle a little, and smile. "That's bad for you."

She frowned and looked up at me. "I know, I just do it when I'm nervous or stressed." She honestly replies.

"We'll find something else for you to do." I shrug off my leather jacket and hand it to her. I at least know that girls love jackets and sweatshirts from guys. Step one of my plan to win her over. Caleb is going down.

She frowns, but takes it. "But what about you?" She asks, and I'm surprised that she cares.

"That's an old jacket. We can just go to a store and I'll buy a new one for myself." I wasn't fond of spending money, but the jacket was a little small on me by now. At least dinner was cheap.

"Oh." She looks down at my jacket, but shrugs and slips it on. It fits well over her sweatshirt.

  I settle down on my bike and pat the seat behind me for Harper. I pull the helmet off of the handle bars and pass it back to her when she sits down. I check my phone and see the text from Reed earlier and huff a laugh to myself. I'd have to try to revoke the no-sex with Harper rule. Three months of abstinence is far too long. I check where the nearest shopping store is, and find a Macy's down the street.

  Harper wraps her arms around me, and inches as close to me as she can. I can tell that she feels bad about taking my jacket, since I'm only in my tank top.

  I'd like to pretend like I'm one of those tough white boys that wears shorts and t-shirts in the winter and pretends like I don't get cold. It's almost the end of winter and I'm still freezing. I'm man enough to admit it.

  I slip my phone into my jean pocket and start my motorcycle. Harper clutches me tighter and I pull out of the parking lot and drive down the road. I'm shaking from the cold, and eager to get to the stupid Macy's. It's at the end of the street and I don't want to freeze to death.

  I can't decide if it would be better to drive slow and be less cold but take longer to get to Macy's or if it would be better to drive fast and freeze but get to Macy'a fast.

  America is all about speed. Hot, nasty, badass speed.

  Never forget Will Ferrell in Talladega Nights. Shake and Bake.

  My body tenses in the cold as I speed down the road. I feel like I chose wrong, but when I reach the end of the street in a minute I know I chose right.

  We slow down and I pull into the lit up parking lot. There aren't many cars here, so I get a spot fairly close to the store. I turn off the ignition and slide off the seat. As she followed suit, I gestured for her to walk ahead of me.

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