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Dedicated to all of you who supported 'Bittersweet Love' :) Love you all!

[Unedited version, you have been warned]

Riya Mehra.

"Riya Mehra?"

"Welcome sir, that's me, what would you like to have?" I asked cheerfully.

I am Riya Mehra, 24 years old and I work here at 'soulmate', I know, it's a little cheesy, but it's a small shop with a few staff, we are the best gift shop in town with flowers, chocolates and cakes.

The men looked out of place in our little shop.

"We are Ananth's friends," one of the men said and I froze.

I remember the phone calls, they had contacted me a couple of times and I had made it clear that I don't want anything to do with Uncle Ananth, who was my guardian at the orphanage I was in.

"I told you not to come," I said.

"Yes, but our chairman would like to talk to you"

"I am not interested," I said slowly, not at all convinced. "I told you that when you called"

"Just think about it Ms.Riya, contact us if you change your mind" They put a shiny golden card over the counter, in front of me.

Joseph Aldrick.

"Wait a minute," I said, now reading the card. "Aldrick? The same Aldricks who found the 'NEST' orphanage?" I asked in surprise.

I know Aldricks, everyone does, they are one of the richest and powerful families in the country. They sponsored the same orphanage I was brought up too.

"The same," The man told me. "I am Joesph Aldrick's PA Jayaprakash, you can call me JP"

"Why..what does he want to talk?" I asked hesitantly.

"You will have to ask him that yourself," He said, making me confused.

What's going on? Joseph Aldrick is the chairman of Aldrick corporation and he is a friend of Uncle Ananth? what does he have to do with my guardian?

"I am grateful, but no. I was alone all these years, I think I can take care of myself now" I said."There was a time when I was looking forward to meeting my family, I had a lot of questions too, but it's not important now" I said firmly.

"It will be easy for you if Joseph sir is interested in you, you don't know what you are missing"

"Thank you, but I think I am happy here," I said again.

"Think about it well and contact us if you change your mind," one of them said again. "Give us a call anytime" JP added one last time before walking out.

I sighed as I watched them reversing their luxurious cars.

I still can't believe it, how much my life changed after I met Uncle Ananth, my guardian some months back.

I grew up in a little orphanage named "NEST". Like everyone there, I too wanted to be a part of a family.

As other children got adopted, I always waited for them to pick me up, but it never happened.

When I started to have serious depression, they told me that my dad is coming to take me away one day and since that day, I would always wait for him. After a couple of years, when I turned 6, I suddenly realised it - Nobody's coming for me.

It was around that depression time, I got sponsored. yes, that means nobody else could adopt me and also that I have to stay there in the orphanage as long as I am old enough.

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