#52 B&B

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Thank you,_justlikeastar, For this beautiful cover pic :)


"Your Grandpa was attacked and he's hospitalized now," Uncle J.P said through the phone.


"It was Sebastian, he is hospitalized too, it's a matter of time before media get hold of this, As the CEO of the corporation, you must start now,"

"How's he?" I asked.

"Pretty serious, but stable, I have it under control here, but it's your turn now," he said and disconnected the call.

I know Uncle J.P for years and I know he's like a shadow of Grandpa. I have to trust him on this.

"What happened?" Riya asked.

I touched my temple, "Grandpa and Sebastian fought, both are in the hospital," I said.

Riya's eyes widened.

"Riya, please take care of Auntie Alice, Danny and all, I have to go now," I said.

She nodded quickly.

I am glad I have her by my side!

"Take care,"

"Don't worry about me," I started to run out.

My phone was already ringing.

"Uncle Dev? Please get everyone ready for the meeting," I said as soon as I attended.

Uncle Dev reached back to India only hours before, I am really glad that he's back.

"Before that, you have to come here," he said. "It's urgent."


"How's Joseph Aldrick?" I asked from the hospital bed. "Is he going to die?" I looked at my PA.

I was in my hospital suite room, I know media is going to celebrate the news about Joseph Aldrick trying to kill me and I don't want to raise any suspicion, that's why I decided to pretend to be seriously injured and hospitalized.

"No, He's out of danger now, But still under observation,"

"What about the news?"

"I am coming back from meeting reporter Aravind, I handed over the CCTV footage too, Joseph Aldrick is going to be trapped in this, He tried to kill you and you were only defending," he said and I nodded, satisfied.

There is no need for anyone to know that Joseph Aldrick's gun was empty at the time.

"We have to act before he gets up, release everything on him, all the things we have been collecting on him. We need to turn him to an old man who is not sane and incapable of being a chairman,"

"Sir, that's too dangerous, the company will-"

"It's more dangerous if he gets back up, I know what I am doing, it's the only way I can control Nivin now,"

"Okay sir," he nodded.

"And Naina, move her today, If Joseph wakes up, everything is going to be a mess,"

"Her Uncle is asking for more money-"

"Give him whatever he wants and warn him well," I said sternly.

I don't have enough time to drag this; I don't want it to blow up now.

"Yes sir," he nodded again.

"Since Philip is already out of Aldrick family, tell him to take care of that guy at graveyard who knew about Naina being alive, I don't want him to ever open his mouth," I said.

Betrayed And Broken✔ [completed]Where stories live. Discover now