#4 B&B

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They rolled her inside and I doubled over, I am having trouble breathing from all the running now.

I followed them as soon as I got hold of myself. We were in the nearest general hospital.

It was a scary half an hour next. Doctors were checking her and trying to find whatever it is wrong with her.

I paced in front of her room as I waited.

"There is nothing life-threatening, she got some stitches and her shoulder joint is sprained," The doctor told me.

I seriously don't know if I should be relieved or not.

"She's out of trouble now, No need to get so worried," he told me.

Uh! do I look worried?

"We will take a CT scan since she has hit her head, she is a little anaemic and there is a bit of blood loss too, a transfusion will do" He added before walking back to his next case.

I just stood there in the middle of the emergency room not knowing what to do. The doctor seemed to think it's a very simple case.

"Follow me, I will give you the papers, I'm her nurse" An elder lady wearing a nurse's uniform said.

Everything that followed was a nightmare. I had to go through all the formalities and paperwork.

I had to run out to the blood bank, pay the bills on a whole different side of the building. I had to get scolded from others for overstepping the queue for medicines.

And worst - they wanted me to change her.


I asked as soon as the nurse told me to help her. I'm sure I heard it wrong.

"Just lift her up a little, I will remove her shirt"


"Hurry, we need to take her for scanning now," she said impatiently.

I walked robotically near them. Riya was still unconscious. The look on her face bothered me too much.

Okay, you just have to lift her up, Nivin.

I lifted her up to me and her head rolled to my shoulder. Her soft body was helpless and took my support.

I stared at her face that's now inches from me. She looked sleeping peacefully.

"Okay, good," The nurse said, snapping me out of my daze. She started to undress her.

I just kept looking at her face.

"Mamma.." She whispered. "Mamma..."

"Riya?" I said.

"She's sleeping, take this and wrap her in this gown"

"What! Aren't you going to do it?"

"It's easier for you to do it," She said, now giving me the hospital gown and walking out.

Remind me not to do anything stupid next time!

I started to wrap her in it. I have never dressed up anyone before, but it seems there's no other way now.

"Mamma" Riya called again, a teardrop flow down her cheek.

"You are fourth, take this and clean her properly" The nurse handed me the cotton and left.

Fourth? you have to do everything like this? Do we have to wait for every single thing?

I never had to experience this before. Everything was handed to me, I never had to wait for anything.

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