#27 B&B

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Dedicated to everyone who's reading this chapter, Especially to you guys who was supporting me through your votes & comments! you are the best! And enjoy :)


"Neev?" She called me again. "Don't tell me you are still worried about Mehra, look at all that she did to you" she said now, looking straight to my eyes and that did it, I snapped out of it.

"Nirosha," I said, slowly trying to untangle myself from her and moving away.

"Do you know where she's gone?" I said looking around, her bag is gone.

"Nivin! we are engaged and the first thing you want to talk to me is about her?" she sounded angry.

"Nirosha, I am sorry but it was a business deal," I told her truthfully. I don't want to complicate things more.


"It's nothing more than a business deal to me, there was no other way for me to be in the company, so I had to agree to the proposal," I said.

"I don't believe it, It might be a business deal, but are you saying you don't love me?" her eyes started to fill.

"I am sorry," I said slowly.

"Tell me! tell me what you are thinking instead of saying you are sorry" she shouted.


"I don't believe it, we were together for five years Neev, five years! don't you remember?"

"You are my childhood friend, but not more than that," I said firmly.

"Are you angry at me because I didn't fight for us first? are you mad at me for that" she started crying.

"No," I said. "I know what happened back then, I even know you agreed to the engagement with Rohan even when we were dating, I know everything now"

"Oh God, Neev, I am so sorry, I had no other-" she looked horrified.

"Let me talk, Nirosha, It's all past now, I no longer live there and I am not angry because I know grandpa and your dad would've forced you to do it," I said.

Yes, I am no longer concerned about the past, I have more things to worry about now.

"I don't know what's worse! you are not angry!? that's as good as telling me you don't care anymore!" Nirosha said.

I sighed. I looked at her now.

"I was trying to understand you all these time Nirosha, but we are over now, we were over two years ago-"

"Neev pleas-"

"No, I no longer care about what you did to me back then" I looked at her. "But I am really angry about what you did to Naina" I added.

"Naina?" she looked startled now.

"You met her as Rohan's fiancee, Rohan's going crazy searching for her, Tell him everything, It's the last chance I am giving you as my friend," I said firmly.

"But grandpa made me do it-"

"Nirosha, don't disappoint more!" I said sternly. "you interfered in something that was not your business and you need to take responsibility now," I said.

"I think you are blinded now! you are not at all behaving normally! since when did you start to care about others? you are not like that! I think that wench has changed yo-"

"Stop right there Nirosha! I don't want to ruin our friendship, so stop right there" I warned her.

I am getting irritated with her now.

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