#15 B&B

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"Why? are you afraid that I am going to revea-" Rohan started.

"That's enough Rohan, you have crossed the line today, you disappointed me!" Grandpa said.

"Philip" The order came and everyone stilled.

Phillip came to the room, waiting for the order.

"Take him to the second floor," Grandpa said. I shivered, I could still feel the whipping, the memory still fresh in my mind.

"No," Auntie Alice said, she turned to Grandpa. "he was not in his right mind, he doesn't mean anything"

"You heard me, Philip," Grandpa said and Philip came near Rohan but before he could hold him, Rohan shook him off and he was on his feet.

"No, Please forgive him, he didn't mean anything," Auntie Alice said again, now looking desperate. Everyone at the table was still frozen.

"Let him reflect and ask for forgiveness then" Grandpa ordered again. Everyone turned to Rohan, who was still looking furious.

"I meant every word I spoke!" he said firmly, his eyes still on Grandpa "I haven't done any mistake," he said.


Philip tried to hold Rohan who pushed him away again and gave him a look. "Don't touch me!" Rohan ordered, but he still followed Philip.

"Please stop this...please...Rohan-"

"Don't worry about me, Mom," Rohan said.

"Please tell them to stop, he doesn't know what, he's talking about," Auntie Alice took Uncle John's hand desperately, who slightly turned his head away.

Apparently, Uncle John can't do anything either. Rohan was at the doorway when he turned back.

"And yes, I am not going to marry her anymore" Rohan added. "I am sorry, Nirosha, I can't do it."

Nirosha just looked at him, It looks like she's relieved to hear it.

Everyone at the table was still shocked to move. Then Auntie Alice started to follow Rohan.

Everyone else waited until Grandpa finished his dinner. As soon as he was out of the room, everyone started to get up.

"What will happen to Rohan?" I asked Danny, worried.

"No one can help him but himself, If he can just say sorry.." Danny dragged off.

"I don't think it is possible," I said.

In my experience in Aldrick's household, one thing I learnt is everyone is stubborn and strong-willed. The words 'Sorry' and 'Thank you' doesn't simply exist in their dictionary!

"Yea, Rohan won't admit he is sorry till he is really sorry," Danny said. "Let's hope mom will somehow stop his punishment," Danny said.

"What if she can't? Rohan will be beaten up" I said anxiously.

"It won't be worse like Brother Neev, Rohan will be okay" Danny consoled me, but he still looked worried.

"Don't pretend like you care" Nirosha's voice cut across us and Danny and I turned to look at her in shock.

"Don't forget that you are just a newcomer here" Nirosha spit out and walked away.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Danny looked at me confused.

"Ah..just ignore it" I shrugged, I took a tray out and started to load it with food.

"Riyechi, What are you doing?" Danny asked, looking at me.

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