Josh and Skyler were sparing Skyler stepped back "back at the stronghold you both seemed to have tension between each other may I ask what it was?" Skyler asked "yea ten years ago we had met shortly after I was sent away from my home I had shown up at a stronghold him and his father were at, they took me in for a short time" Josh said softly.
-10 years ago-
Josh boat washed ashore with him in it passed out from the lack of food and water.
Demon guards were patrolling the area once they had seen him they looked at him "it's a human child" the demon said "let's take him to lord lucifer" the other demon stated as they lifted Josh up and carried him to the freshly built stronghold.-a few hours-
Josh woke up and looked around wondering where he was he slowly sat up as he sniffled "hey there your awake kid" Derrick said and walked over to the bedside "kid? Your the same age as me" Josh said "how old are you?" Derrick asked "6" Josh replied.
Derrick nodded "I'm 5 and a half" Derrick laughed softly.-present time-
"From that very moment we had become brothers but two years after that it all fell apart when I learned the truth" Josh said.
-8 years ago-
Josh was roaming around the stronghold as he over heard generals talking "Lucifer has tasked us to to take out that viking settlement north, the one the boy came from" the general said "yes but we have to come with a strategy their not like other humans their pure brute strength" a captain said.
Derrick walked over to Josh "hey man wanna play tag?" Derrick asked as Josh looked at Derrick "my people are in danger these generals are talking about killing my people" Josh said "so? Their just humans who cares?" Derrick asked "I do they are my family my friends!" Josh yelled "again who cares they sent you away they didn't want you" Derrick yelled pushing Josh into the wall "don't push me!" Josh yelled and pushed Derrick back as the generals ran out of the room hearing the two "shit Lucifer's gonna kill us they heard!" The captain said "the prince won't speak we kill the Viking though" the general said pulling out a blade.-present day-
"From that day forward Derrick saw me as a coward sees that I betrayed him when I never betrayed him, that bond we had as kids is gone all he has is hatred" Josh said and looked away.

Heart of dragons: Ashes Reborn
AbenteuerHeart of dragons: Ashes reborn takes place in a separate timeline Taking place in the realm of EverGarden in this story a boy who is destined to End a 1000 year war between the living and the demons comes forth and joins with other people with the s...