As the smoke cleared Josh climbed out of the rubble while looking around.
Derrick and Skyler also climbed out of the rubble looking at each other "do you think we won?" Skyler asked while Derrick shook his head "nah that would be too way too easy" Derrick said as the cannons had retracted back into his body.
A huge blast threw rubble around as Lucifer stood up even more pissed "THAT DOES IT IM KILLING YOU ALL!!!" Lucifer yelled out raging.
"Stay back get his back while he recovers his energy" Josh said standing his ground "what are you doing?" Skyler asked "going head to head once he's Recovered join" Josh said "I don't need to recover damn it! I'm fine" Derrick yelled falling to the ground he pretty much used up all he had.
Josh ignored Derrick as he flew over to Lucifer and swung a punch "DIE!" Josh yelled but Lucifer grabbed onto Josh's hand while going to slam him down but Josh teleported to a dagger behind Lucifer.
"DRAGON FIST!" Josh yelled as he punched Lucifer in the back hard launching him forward crashing into the rubble.
Josh was breathing heavily while trying to maintain his form.
Lucifer got up and turned to Josh "that's it!" Lucifer yelled firing a huge blast out that would definitely kill Josh.
Derrick flew over infront of Josh while grabbing the blast and redirected it up as it exploded in the sky.
"The only person who has the right to kill him is me!!!" Derrick yelled "fine you'll die with him!!" Lucifer yelled as he flew over and punched Derrick and Josh in the face hard launching them both back crashing into the wall.
Skyler flew over but Lucifer grabbed his hand and slammed him onto the ground.
Josh and Derrick I struggled to get up but they both had been forced to power down to the base forms as the collapsed again.-Josh's mind-
Josh as laying in a puddle while staring at the blank sky while sitting up "why can't I beat him I've trained so hard" Josh said and sighed softly as Ragnars spirit appeared "don't lose faith in yourself my boy you are stronger then you think" Ragnar said as Josh looked up at him "I- dad?" Josh asked and stood up while a dragons spirit appeared behind Ragnar a dragon with crimson red and golden scales "this is pyros the dragon that was fused with your soul, tap into his power and you'll become even stronger" Ragnar said as Josh nodded.
-derricks head-
Derricks mom appeared while he was looking around "hello my son" she said as Derrick looked around her "m-mother??" Derrick asked as she nodded "there's no time for a reunion if you don't stop your father he will destroy all that exists you must tap into your powers that are hidden within end a war of nonsense" she said as Derrick nodded.
-real world-
Both Josh and Derrick stood up as they only their feet onto the ground as their energies started to surge and combine with each other "HYAAAAAHHHHHH" both of them yelled in sync as a bright light emitted out of the both of them covering them entirely as they were slowly fusing into one.
Soon the light vanished as a male stood where they both had stood he clenched his fist and looked at it "so this is the forbidden technique fusion?" Dera said while smirking softy.

Heart of dragons: Ashes Reborn
AdventureHeart of dragons: Ashes reborn takes place in a separate timeline Taking place in the realm of EverGarden in this story a boy who is destined to End a 1000 year war between the living and the demons comes forth and joins with other people with the s...