Episode 39:The FireFlash Vs Rork

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Josh and Rork continued their clash Josh flew back and sighed "get out of my way!!" Josh yelled firing a blast of fire out but Rork jumped out of the way "no I wanna see what RJs prized student can do, show me what the favorite can do!" Rork laughed out as Josh flew over towards Rork and swung a punch but Rork kicked Josh's elbow snapping it "AHH!" Josh yelled out in pain, Rork laughed out as he then punched Josh causing him to fly down crashing into the ground as dirt flew all over the area.
Josh slowly stood up snapping his arm back into place while looks up at Rork Josh then fired a larger blast out "YOU CANT DO THAT TWice!" Rork laughed out holding his hand out but Josh teleported behind Rork "DRAGON FIST!!" Josh yelled punching Rork in the back of his head pushing him straight into the blast igniting a huge explosion.

Rork fell to the ground but got back up pissed off "HOW DID YOU DO THAT!" Rork yelled "once I fired that blast out I threw my teleportation dagger behind you when you weren't looking" Josh said as he landed on the ground while laughing out softly.

Rork growled softly and flew up to Josh throwing a bunch but Josh jumped out of the way "FIRE DRAGON BREATH!" Josh fired a fire blast out of his mouth igniting a huge explosion throwing Rork down and killing hundreds of demons from the blast, the blast lit up the dark sky for a moment.

Luke Looked back at the fights "you should see them right now brother, they remind me of us back in the day" Luke laughed softy as Erin threw a punch at Luke but Luke grabbed onto Erin's fist "watch it traitor" Luke said and smirked softy.

Leif, Halfdan and Sigurd stopped fighting when they saw Josh's attack "holy shit is that the best from back then?" Leif asked "I think so, Joshua Lothbrok the child who would never become Viking" Sigurd said.

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