Eoisode 43: The Ultimate being! The thousand year war comes to an End!!

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Skyler looked at Dera amazed and confused on how it happened "the fuck" Skyler said under his breath.
"Let's finish this" Dera said pulling out derricks sword and Josh's axe as darkness covered derricks sword and fire covered Josh's axe "just because you leaned a forbidden technique doesn't mean you can win!" Lucifer yelled "let's test it out!" Dera yelled as he teleported infront of Lucifer's face "what?!?" Lucifer shouted out shocked at the speed.
Dera punches Lucifer extremely hard launching him back crashing into the ruble causing ruble to fly all over the place "HYAAAAHH!" Dera yelled flying towards Lucifer "twin dragon Striker!" Dera yelled striking down both the axe and sword.
As soon as the weapons make impact leaving a huge x cut on Lucifer's chest igniting two  huge explosions.
Lucifer got up and upper cut dera hard lunching him into the sky as Lucifer flew up and punched Dera in the chest hard causing Dera to cough out blood.
"HYAAAA" Dera yelled powering up to a dragon domain form.
Dera punched lucifer really hard launching him through the rift.


Lucifer crashed into a tree near the on going battles.
Dera flew through the portal and slammed his foot down onto Lucifer's chest creating a huge crater under Lucifer.

Anna stopped her fight with Ari seeing Dera fighting Lucifer "who is that?" Anna asked herself as Ari threw a punch but Anna ducked down and punched Ari hard.

"Demon art Dragon fist!!" Dera yelled as both darkness and fire covered his right first as he punched down onto Lucifer's chest punching a hole in his chest.
"Damn it!!!" Lucifer yelled out before teleported behind Dera.
Lucifer held his chest where the hole was "how are you damaging this body!" Lucifer yelled "cause even gods and demons or even devils are mortals still, even if your immortal no one can escape death" Dera said with the softness of joshs voice mixed with derricks anger in his voice.
"You will no longer have a grip on humanity or any realm, you will pay for your crimes!" Dera shouted out before he was defused from Josh and Derrick over using their energy they both collapsed onto the ground.
Derick coughed up blood while slowly crawling to Lucifer "I'm ending this!" Derrick yelled as Lucifer collapsed.
Josh grabbed onto derricks leg "no it's over he cannot continue" Josh said as he was laid on his stomach keeping a grip on derricks leg.
"Fuck off he needs to die!!" Derrick yelled "no one should have to die, he will pay for his crimes under our watch, his powers will be ripped from him!" Josh yelled as Derrick kicked Josh's arm, Derrick grabbed his sword and slowly got up "DIE!!" Derrick yelled thrusting the sword down piercing Lucifer's skull.

Skyler walked out of the portal while helping RJ walk Josh looked over and smiled brightly seeing that RJ was fine.
The demon army stopped fighting and gathered around Derrick while kneeling to Derrick "ALL HAIL DERRICK MORNINGSTAR!!" Demons chanted as Derrick begun to smirk widely.

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