Derrick was slashing through a bunch of demons as blood splatters all over the place.
Rozen flew over and swung a punch at Derrick but he jumped back fire feet "Traitor!!" Rozen yelled pissed off by derricks betrayal "I'll show you what happens when you turn to the good side!" Rozen yelled "I'm not a good guy! I'm taking my throne!" Derrick yelled as he flew over and swung a punch, he had landed the punch as the impact launched Rozen back crashing into a group of demons.
Rozen got back up "you never deserved that throne! You never were ever gonna be worthy!" Rozen yelled as he flew over swinging a punch at Derrick but Derrick smirked "Dragon art demon fist!!" Derrick k yelled landing a blow upon rozens face launching him back into the crowed again.rubble from the ground flew all over the place.
"You.. learned that?!?!" Rozen said slowly standing up "yes it was time for me to widen my abilties to prove I am worthy, once I've become king I will invade All realms!" Derrick yelled "now I'm gonna end you" Derrick yelled holding both of his hands out light partials begun to suck into the palms of derricks hands gathering as much as he could before the partials shoot out forming two perfect balls of dark matter "DIE!!" Derrick yelled firing the two balls out as they both igniting huge explosions that killed hundreds of demons in the area.-a year ago-
Derrick walked to a cell and looked at the person in the cell "I want you to tell me how to use a new type of abilties aside from demon art" Derrick said as the male stayed silent "if you do I will free you at the end of this war, you have a Morningstar word, Please RJ The lightning dragon" Derrick said as RJ looked back at him while nodding slowly.
-present time-
Derrick was breathing heavily as he landed on the ground Rozen was laid out on the ground half of his body completely disintegrated "petty I would have made you my right hand man but you chose against me" Derrick said and slid his hands into his pockets.

Heart of dragons: Ashes Reborn
AdventureHeart of dragons: Ashes reborn takes place in a separate timeline Taking place in the realm of EverGarden in this story a boy who is destined to End a 1000 year war between the living and the demons comes forth and joins with other people with the s...