Chapter 4

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~~~~~The Next Morning~~~~~


I woke up and decided that I would go to the mall to buy a dress for the birthday party. I got ready to go to the mall. I then saw Rose.

"Hey, Rose, I'm going to the Plaza." I told her.

"Ok. Wait, can you help me really quick?" Rose asked.

"Sure!" I tell her cheerfully. I set my phone and my purse on the couch.

"Can you show me what setting I put the oven on to bake these cookies? I'm trying to learn how to bake. Since mom isn't here..." She said sadly.

"Oh! Of course!" I showed her what to do. I hear someone at the door. It is Paseris in a weird looking shirt.

"Hey, Violet. Guess what, my mom came back and brought me back this shirt!" He said excitedly.

"Uh... wow." I say, not knowing what to say about the shirt.

"I know! And apparently it belonged to an Emperor. Emperor Thumi, I think that's what she said." He continued.

"I'm glad your mom is back in town." I told him.

"Yeah. Hey, are you going somewhere?" He asked, noticing I was dressed too.

"Oh, yeah. I'm going to the Plaza... you wanna come?" I asked, unsure about the offer.

"Well, duh, of course I do." He says. I was slightly hoping he'd say no.

I grabbed my purse and we left. We got to the mall and looked for a store for the perfect dress. I tried a couple on, but I didn't really like any of them. Neither did Paseris. After a few stores, we finally got to the last store. I see this beautiful blue dress and go try it on. Paseris was too busy playing some game on his phone and waited outside the dressing room. The dress had a zipper so I pre-zipped it and kind of slid it on. After I managed to put it on, I looked in the dressing room mirror. I loved it. I walked out to show Paseris. When he saw me, I saw his jaw drop a little.


"How do I look?" She asks.

"You look stunning." I tell her sincerely. Violet in that blue dress looked like a goddess. I felt my heart flutter. I wanted to just hold her and kiss her.

"Thank you. I think I like it too." She says with a smile. She was so beautiful. I was a little sad when she went back in to change.

The Dress


I went back into the dressing room. I tried to take my dress off. Yes, my, I was going to buy this dress. However, I struggled to unzip my dress.

"Hey, Pas? I kind of have an issue. Do you see one of the girl workers?" I ask him.

"No. They all disappeared to help a woman with her wedding dress and some went to lunch. I only see a dude at the register." He told me.

"No one else?" I asked.

"No." He said. I wanted to panic a little. I looked for my phone to call Rose or Sky to calm me down. It then finally came to me that I left my phone on my couch. I then realized Paseris had his.

"Hey Paseris, can you call one of my sisters with your phone?" I ask nervously.

"Ok!" He said. Oh, thank goodness.

"Um... they're not picking up!" He tells me.

"Uh... try calling again." I say. I was starting to freak out think about my options.

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