Chapter 15

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Rose and I go inside the tent with Sky-Lu.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm good." Sky says avoiding eye contact.

"Okay. That's good. Now, what really happened. We know about Bailamor." Rose tells her bluntly.

"Me? What about you?! You just disappeared on me!" Sky responded, trying to change the subject.

"Well from what I heard, it sounded like you and Cipheris have had more interesting things going on." Rose replied.

"Come on, I really want to know how you guys broke Bailamor's spell. Tenebris says she is brutal. Did she torture you guys?" I ask rapidly.

"Well no she didn't torture us, exactly." Sky said. She bit her lip and twirled her hair while looking away.

"She didn't?" Rose asked.

"No, but she did threaten to kill us if we didn't..." Sky starts.

"Didn't what?" I ask.

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore. We are safe and back where we are supposed to be now." Sky says. Her face seemed complicated.

"Yup. You're just trying to make out with him now." Rose teased.

"Um... No, that was Cipheris messing with me. I slapped him! I am very mad at him!" She said.

"Just cut the act. You really think we can't tell when you're faking. Something serious happened, didn't it." I say. Sky just gives us this frustrated look.

"I don't know if it was good or bad. Scary or amazing. We almost died... but..." Sky says softly.

"But what?" I asked.

"You know what I'm getting hungry, can we look for food?" Sky says.

"Sure." I said. We all walked out. As we came out, our parents arrived.

"Oh, my girls! Are you all okay?" My mom said running to me and my sisters. She started to inspect us.

"Yeah." I told her.

"Kinda hungry, but good." Sky added. I looked to my side and saw the guys' mom doing the same. Paseris and I exchanged looks and smiled.

"Attention everyone, we spotted yellow fog. This is very dangerous. Thus all camping activities are cancelled..."King Louis said.

"We going to head to our beach house for safety." King Buato said.

I walked over to Paseris. "You guys have a beach house?" I asked him.  He just shrugged confused.

"Hey dad, we have a beach house?" Paseris asks Buato.

"Ah, yes. I was just recalling to Louis and Kyro about it. His mother, your parents, and I used to go up there when we were younger. It is quite close by if I remember correctly." Buato tells me and Paseris.

"Wow sweetie, we haven't been there since, well before Paseris was born." Lin says.

"Yes, it has been some time. I have many fond memories of that place." My dad adds.

"Why didn't we ever go?" Paseris asks upset.

"Sorry, sweetie." Lin tells him. We all agree to go to the beach house and head out to the jet. King Louis, Queen Ana, and Louie tagged along.

"Sorry about the mess we left at the campsite." I say once on the jet.

"It's okay we have people that will fix that right up once the fog clears and it's safe." Queen Ana said.

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