Dear God

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                                               My eyes flickered a little while I stretched I turned my head to the left and my 

eyes widened as I say Luka laying next to me. My mind began to race thinking WHAT DID YOU DO LAST NIGHT!? 

I saw him fidget and saw his eyes slowly open and smile at me and my response was smiling back awkwardly. 

My heart began to beat fast I saw a tiny hickey on his neck and pointed to it stuttering,"Did I do that..?"

 He nodded smiling pointing to then feeling one that was on my neck and as he did I flinched.

 I sighed feeling I still had my clothes on as I stood up and slipped on my shoes looking at his clock which read 10:34 a.m.

"Where you going?" Luka smiled laying his head back on the pillowing folding his arms behind his 

head staring at the ceiling. "Home, stupid," I pulled out my phone typing my password and my eyes 

widened as I saw Luke had called me at least 20 times last night and texted me. "whats wrong?"Luka 

turned on his side looking up at me raising his eyebrow as I giggled as he did because he looks silly 

and cute when he does that. I shook my head,"oh, it nothing, hey I gotta go," I grabbed all my stuff 

and kissed his forehead and his cheek and ran out to my car. 

                             I paused sitting in the driver seat placing my face in my hands shaking my head

 and sighed loudly. I grabbed my phone and looked up Luke's phone number and pressed call and 

waited and heard his voice mail and spoke softly,"oh hey, I saw you called, sorry I couldn't

 answer I was uh a little busy, just call me back when you can ok......well bye."  I threw my phone in 

the passenger and started the car gripping the wheel tightly and pulled out of Luka's driveway and 

heading home. I unlocked the front door and closed it locking it again sighing and petted my husky 

puppies, Winstin and Wilson, and headed up the stairs to my room with them trailing behind me. I

flung myself on the bed along with my phone in front of my and read a text from Luke that I had just 

gotten a few minutes ago and my eyes widened as I read it," The fight was about you, he called you a 

slut so I punched him, and I don't care what people say or think because I think I love you and I want 

to express it in anyway I can, I want you to be mine, what do you say?" I typed slowly typing "yes" 

then stopped and said,"what am I doing?"

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