Chapter 6

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Cameron POV

*Flashback to the ice cream parlor*

We were all in line for ice cream when Aria and Shawn started fighting over which flavor was better.

"Chocolate ice cream is the bestest!" Aria yelled in her cute accent.

"No!" Shawn yelled back. "Cookies and cream is the best!"

Ugh. Why'd they have to be so friendly with one another all of the sudden.

I wanted her. ( *insert smirk* )

"How dare you!" she exclaimed.

"Chocolate is so boring and stupid!" he said back with a stupid grin.

I realized Carter was recording this for vine. How dumb.

"Cookies and cream is ugly!" Aria shrieked.

Shawn laughed and said "How can ice cream be ugly?"

Then Aria realized that Carter was recording her and went on vine to watch the video. I went on vine to watch it too.

When I got to the vine I saw the caption and cringed. It was "I ship it." I sure don't 'ship it' so I didn't like or revine.

After that we ordered our ice cream and went to watch the fireworks.

I knew I had to make a move on Aria or Shawn would take her from me. In the middle of the show I slid my arm around Aria. She didn't really react.

I continued watching the fireworks and at the end I realized Aria fell asleep. I decided to carry her.

At her hotel room I have her a kiss on the forehead and left. I need her.

Aria POV

"He what?!" I yelled.

"He kissed you on the forehead!" Tricia repeated rolling her eyes.

"No. No. No. This is bad. I can't have feelings for multiple people. I don't wanna hurt anybody." I started freaking out.

"Honey. Do you know what this means? I'm sure you already know but you're hot! Hot boys want you! How can this be bad?"

I gave Tricia a death glare.

"I called you hot! It's a compliment and I suggest you take it because I don't give them very often." Tricia sassed.

"I guess your right. I should feel ok with this because good looking guys actually like me. Usually cute guys don't like me." I said. "But who would I choose?"

"You don't have to choose anyone right now. Just see what happens. Go with the flow." Tricia replied.

"Thanks for the advice Tricia!" I said hugging her.

"No problem girly! Today we're eating breakfast with everyone at Chef Mickeys!" She exclaimed. "That's why I woke you up kinda early by the way."

I got up and got ready. I put on a pair of Tricia's shorts with a Little Mermaid tank top. ( Tricia has lots of Disney clothes because she works in Disney ).

I put on a little bit of makeup that way I didn't look dead. I brushed my curly hair and straightened it which took a while.

"Aria! We're gonna be late!" Tricia screamed.

"I'm sorry my hair is dumb!" I exclaimed.

My hair looked good enough so I was ready. We made our way down to Chef Mickeys and saw our table. It was obvious.

The table was huge and all the guys were being rowdy and loud as usual.

"Finally!" Matt screamed. "Where have you been?" We're all dying of starvation!"

"We were getting ready." I say while whipping my hair.

Tricia laughs and says "You guys didn't have to wait for us!"

"Shawn wouldn't let us start without you two." Matt grumbles. "He's too nice."

Shawn just shrugs and slightly blushes when I catch his eye. Weird.

"Well I'm gonna go eat!" Nash says excitedly.

We all run to the buffet and I grab 4 Mickey shaped waffles with some syrup and butter. Then I sit down and start eating. I'm the first one back because I didn't grab much. I don't like breakfast that much.

Everyone comes back 5 minutes later with like 2 or 3 plates each.

Nash sits next to me and stares at me with wide eyes.

"What?" I laugh.

"Are you not hungry?" he asks while stuffing his face.

"I'm not really a breakfast person." I reply.

Everyone gasps and looks at me in shock.

"How can you not like breakfast?" Aaron asks.

"I don't know!" I laugh.

"Your weird." Jack G says.

I laugh and continue eating my waffles.

A waitress comes over and asks us what we want to drink. She's young and is obviously flirting with the guys.

People like that get on my nerves.

She didn't even ask me what I wanted. She just walked away to get everyone else their drinks.

"I was forgotten." I said.

"She nasty." Tricia whispered in my ear.

I nodded with wide eyes.

When she came back with everyone's drinks I said "You kinda forgot me."

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! What would you like?" She said in the fakest voice ever.

"Chocolate milk." I replied.

"I'll be right back with that." She said in her annoying voice. She walked away to get my drink.

"Holy poo! Her voice is annoying me!" Hayes exclaimed.

Nash hit him in the back of the head and said "Be nice!"

"Ow! I'm just telling the truth!"

Nash laughed and said "Yeah she is annoying! I just wanted to hit you."

Everyone laughed. She came back with my drink and said "So sorry again!"

I didn't respond so she walked away with sass.

After breakfast we all talked and decided where we would go today.

"Animal Kingdom!" I shouted.

"I'm down." Jack J said.

Everyone agreed on Animal Kingdom so we all went to the Disney bus stop and waited for a bus.

Finally one came for the Animal Kingdom and we got on and took our seats.

Today is going to be a great day I thought as I stared out the window and watched the scenery.

Hope you enjoyed! Sorry it took so long I've been reading this stupid book for school! It's a summer reading project and I hate it and I'm sad. Anyways please vote! Who do you ship Aria with?

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