Chapter 4

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Aria POV

I hear someone call my name. Then I hear it again. And again. I finally sit up and see that it was Shawn who woke me up.

"Where am I?" I ask.

Shawn smiles and says "At the Contemporary Resort.... but your still kind've in the limo."

I freak out. "We're in Disney?" I practically scream.

"Yup." He says super calm.

"How are you calm right now?! I'm flipping out!" I exclaim.

Shawn just laughs. All the sudden my belly grumbles.

"Oh my god, I'm starving!" I say.

Shawn smirks "I know a place where we could get some food... but you gotta get up first."

I laugh and throw my pillow at him. He catches it and throws it back. I'm pretty slow so it hits my face.

"Sorry!" he snorts.

I laugh really hard and follow Shawn out of the car.

"Lead me to food!" I tell him.

"Yes your majesty, it's right this way." He said in a funny servant voice.

I laughed and followed him to the food. We entered the hotel and took the elevator up a few floors. Then started walking over this bridge. (If you've ever been to the contemporary it's the bridge that connects the vacation club hotel rooms to the main hotel. Sorry if this is complicated! lol).

"It's taking forever!" I complained.

Shawn replied "It's not that far now!"

"I'm not gonna make it Shawn!" I yelled while dropping to the ground dramatically.

"Aria don't give up! I'll have to carry you!" he said while picking me.

We both just started laughing as he carried me over the rest of the bridge.

"Your so dramatic!" he exclaimed.

"I know." I said while flicking my hair over my shoulder.

He laughed as we entered the main area of the resort. He was still carrying me so he set me down and we just kept walking.

We turned a corner and finally we saw the food court.

There were computer screens that we could order from. ( like those kiosks at Red Robin but bigger lol). So we ordered what we wanted off of them.

I got a personal plain pizza and Shawn got a burger. We both decided to split some fries.

We got a number card and took our seats and talked for a little until our food came out. It came out super fast.

"Oh the magic of Disney!" I exclaimed as I tasted the delicious pizza.

Shawn asked "Is the pizza good or is it good?"

I laughed and said "It's good!"

We finished our food and decided to look for the rest of the guys.

We decided to look by the pool. Shawn lead me to the pool. It's a good thing he knew how to read signs.

When we got to the pool we saw all the guys goofing around in the water. It was quite a site. All of them have abs.

Cameron got out of the water and made his way over to us. I try not to stare at his abs but it's pretty hard not to. He's got abs of steel.

"Hey Aria! Hey Shawn!" Cam says.

Shawn replies "Hey dude!"

"Do you guys wanna come swimming?" Cam asks.

"Yes!" I said. "But I need to buy a bathing suit."

Shawn says "I can come with you to get one if you want. I'm sure they have some in the Disney shops."

I nod and say "We'll be back in a little!"

Shawn and I start walking away towards one of the gift shops in the hotel.

When we get to one I look around and find a cute bathing suit. The top is a Minnie Mouse bow and the bottoms have a little tail.

Luckily my money was in my carry on so it didn't get lost!

"I'll buy it for you." Shawn said and grabbed the suit from my hand.

"Shawn! No! I can pay!" I scream.

He pulls out his wallet and pays before I can say another word.

"Shawn!" I yell.

The cashier says "You two are adorable."

Shawn laughs and I say "It's not like that. We're not a thing."

The cashier just laughs and we leave the store.

"Thanks for buying the swimsuit. Even though I'm mad that you did." I say frowning.

"It's not a problem. Why are you mad?" He asks laughing.

"I feel guilty when people buy me things! I don't know why but it just doesn't feel right." I whined.

"I feel ya. But sometimes it just feels right to buy someone something." He says smiling at me.

I smile back and ask "What hotel room am I in?"

He gave me the room number and we made our way up to our rooms.

We had different rooms so we agreed to meet in the hall when we were done changing into our swim suits.

I went into the bathroom to change. When I got it on I stared at myself in the mirror.

I feel really insecure in the bathing suit. I should've bought a one piece.

Oh well.

I grabbed a hotel towel and wrapped it around me as a coverup. I made my way to the hallway where Shawn was waiting. He had abs too.

Why does everyone have to be in such good shape? Geez.

We made our way down to the pool and when we got there I just sat down with the towel still wrapped around me securely.

"Are you coming in?" Matt asked.

"Not right now." I said quickly.



"Why are you wearing that towel? You could at least tan."

"I'm fine just how I am! Just leave me alone!" I yelled as I covered my face deep in my towel.

I heard people get out of the pool and come over to me.

"Aria." Cameron said.

"Go away." I whined. "I'm tired and cranky!"

I looked up and literally all of the guys were around me staring at me.

Nash kneeled down and I reached out and swatted him away.

"Kitty woke up on the wrong side of the bed today." Someone mumbled.

"Actually I woke up in a limo. It was pretty cool." I reply.

All the sudden I feel someone pick me. I start screaming. My towel falls off me and I'm thrown into the water.

I slowly lift my head out of the water giving them all the dirtiest look ever.

"Sorry." Shawn chuckled.

"Hey! What are you... Dang. What are you attractive, in shape, white boys doing to my main squeeze?"

"PATRICIA!" I yell.

Whoops kinda cliff hanger. I was really getting into this chapter ;) Do you guys ship Shawn and Aria? edited by: SuperFangirlOrNah

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