Chapter 8

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Ethan POV

At the end of our great day at Universal we all said our goodbyes.

When we were about to leave Grayson suddenly screamed "Ethan! Do we really have to go?"

I thought about it. We didn't have anywhere to be. We could hang a little longer.

"Why not!" I replied.

"We don't have anywhere to sleep though." Grayson said.

"Tricia's sleeping at her house because she has to get up early tomorrow for work so you guys can stay with me! I'm not rooming with anyone." Aria exclaimed.

"Aria. Are you sure you want to bunk with these two insane children?" Cameron asked.

Aria laughed "I'm sure. I don't like being alone anyways."

We headed to our cars to head back to the contemporary hotel. When we got there we all headed to our rooms.

"I'll show you guys to the room. Follow me!" Aria said.

"USE PROTECTION!" I heard Matt yelled across the hotel lobby.

"SHUT UP!" Grayson yelled back trying not to laugh.

The lady at the desk was laughing hysterically.

We just smiled at the lady and continued our way up to the room.

All the way up we were talking and laughing. We all got along really well.

Grayson POV

"So Aria... can you already tell the difference between us?" I asked.

"Yeah. Its pretty easy." Aria said smugly.

"Then who's who?" Ethan asked.

"Grayson." Aria said pointing to Grayson. "Ethan." Aria said pointing to Ethan.

"Your good." I said nodding my head.

"I know." She said flicking her hair.

We all laughed and Aria said "Well here's our room!"

We all walked inside and put our stuff down. It was a pretty nice hotel room except that clothes were everywhere.

"Sorry about the mess!" Aria exclaimed. "I can never manage to keep anything clean."

Ethan laughed and said "It's ok. You should see our rooms!"

"Yeah ours looks like tornadoes went through them!" I laughed.

Aria giggled and then said "I'm so exhausted from today."

Then we got a knock on our door.

Aria POV

"Who is it?" I yelled.

"Room service!" I heard someone who sounded familiar shout.

There was a lot of laughing then I opened the door to see all the guys outside the room.

As soon as I opened the door they all pushed into the room.

"What the crap guys?" I laughed.

"What the crap? Oh my god. That's great I'm gonna use that from now on." A boy I didn't recognize laughed. "I'm jack by the way." He smiled a very dimply smile at me.

"Another Jack!" I laughed.

"Jack Dail! What are you doing here?" one of the twins yelled excitedly.

Nash says "kforow eowkenoror wokeoroe iwowmejirf."

"Hold on!" Cam says in his funny voice. "Let me translate for ya. Can you repeat that Nash?"

Nash repeats what he said but I still have no clue.

"He said we found him in the lobby and we decided to let him join the party! Is that right Nash?" Cam said.

Nash nodded enthusiastically.

I asked "Where'd you get that bubblegum Nash?"

Nash starts laughing than bolts out of the hotel room.

I chased after him knowing he'd stolen a lot of my gum. Nobody touches my gum.

"NASH YOUR BUYING ME MORE GUM!" I yell sprinting down the halls.

All the guys are in the hall cheering me on.

When I finally catch up to Nash I jump on him and say "Your gonna need to go get your wallet boy."

*in the store at 1 in the morning*

"Alright what gum do you want?" Nash asked.

"You stay here and all of us will go pick out some gum." I replied.

All the guys and I went down the aisle that had gum and literally piled every last bit of gum into the cart.

As we walked back to Nash with our cart filled to brim with gum we all laughed.

When Nash saw the cart he fell onto the floor laughing.

"Ok let's get all this gum." He laughed as we went up to the counter to check out.

Some guys were taking snapchats and vines.

The total was $127.32 for gum.

"Did you learn your lesson about not stealing my gum Nash?" I asked laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2017 ⏰

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