Chapter 19

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•Venus' POV•

"Hello?" I moan. It was currently 2:24am, and I had just settled in my old bed for my first night back at my house.

"Bonjour, is this Rochelle?" A French mans accent bellows down the phone.

"Er, no, this is Venus, her ghoulfriend. Can I ask who is calling?"

"Yes, it's her friend, Garrott DuRoque. Has she mentioned me before?"

I wrap my blanket around me, wracking my brains for a familiar name.

"I'm not entirely sure," I answer, slowly. "Can I help you with anything?"

"Please. I'm looking to get hold of her. She's a very special old friend of mine and I need to meet with her as soon as," he announced.

"Oh, right," I murmured. I felt a little torn to give out her number or not. Although this man did seem genuine, he could be someone she feared or disliked and I worried that by giving her number to him, I could be starting something frightful. "Why don't you leave me a contact number so I can pass it on to her?" I suggest.

"Magnifique. Tell her my number is 816-2846-618. And remind her of the urgency," he added.

I jotted down the number on the notepad on my iCoffin. "Cool," I concluded. "Well I hope all goes well."

"Merci, and same to you. Au revoir!" he finished, hanging up before I could say anymore. I put my phone down, wondering who this man could be. He was obviously French, meaning he wasn't anyone us ghouls would know. But it all seemed very strange. I had never heard her mention a guy before, and Rochelle was outspoken, but then, she was a little shy and not the type of person to flaunt a relationship. I turned back over in bed, too sleepy to ask anymore questions about his identity.

----The Next Morning----

While applying my monscara in the mirror that morning, I immediately remembered my conversation with Garrott a few hours earlier. I stopped in my tracks and ran over to my bed side table, grabbing my phone and pulling up Rochelle's number. I would have normally just messaged her, but I felt it a little too important to wait.

I waited a few rings before she answered. "Salou mon ami!" she said with happiness. Even over the phone, you could tell she had a huge smile on her face.

"Hey! How are you?" I asked.

"Very good, thank you sweet, and yourself?"

"I'm good," I replied. "Listen, I have to ask - do you know anyone by the name of Garrott DuRoque?"

All fell silent.

"Yes. Indeed I do." she confirmed sharply.

"Oh, well, last night I received a call from him an-"

"How on Earth did he get your contact details?" she responded, perplexed.

"Ah, I'm not too sure about that." I did wonder, how did he get my number AND happen to know I could lead him to Rochelle. "Anyway, the point is he wasn't looking to talk to me, he was looking for you."

"Oh, wow," she gasped down the phone as silence descended on us again. "After all this time her decides now he wants to talk."

"Oh, well it sounded kind of urgent," I pushed awkwardly, not knowing how to respond.

"Did you pass him my number?"

"No, no! I wasn't sure if he was being real, so I asked him to leave me with his number instead."

"Oh, good, oui, yes," she marveled, sounding preoccupied.

"Do you want me to send it to you?"

"Good heavens, no!" she cries "I am not interested in contacting such a rude, conceited male. He hasn't spoken to me in months. His choice, not mine."

"But it sounded pretty important," I attempted to persuade.

"I am sure he means well, but I am no longer interested. I apologise,"

"Don't apologise to me!" I laugh "It's nothing to do with me. But if you're sure."

"More than. Thank you for being such a great bloody Venus,"

"Anytime. I've got to go, but I'll talk to you soon."

"Okay, au revoir!"


I put down the phone, more intrigued then ever by Garrott and Rochelle. She seemed pretty hurt by him, although I felt bad knowing she wouldn't contact him.

It may not have been my place, but I felt obliged to ring Garrott and inform him of Rochelle's feelings. I selected the number from my notes and began to ring.

"Bonjour! Venus, isn't it?" He answers immediately and I hear his soft French accent fill up the room.

"Yes, it is, hi there," I respond calmly. "I spoke to Rochelle,"

"Oh goodness," he chuckles slowly. "How is she?"

"She's good, she's good I promise, but she didn't seem too keen on contacting you...I'm sorry," I declare, biting my lip slowly. I have to admit, I was a little terrified of how he would react.

"I see..." the phone went silent.

"I'm truly sorry," I try to comfort him but it probably wasn't any help. "But, hey, if she changes her mind you'll be the first person I contact!"

"Thank you anyway Venus. I must go. Good bye my friend." He spoke abruptly as the tone followed shortly after. He seemed stunned and part of me felt sad he hadn't got the response he so desperately wanted. Rochelle was usually very honest about her life, but when I had asked she seemed very defensive. But I didn't want to get in the middle of it.

A/N just a little start of a new storyline :))

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2017 ⏰

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