Chapter 10

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•Clawdeen's POV•

I paced up and down the hallway of the hospital, eyes blinking frantically and a tear or two escaping. This was the second time Frankie, Clawd, Howleen and I had been asked to leave the room on Doctor's Orders. Really?

Frankie ran awkwardly down to me, her iCoffin clutched in one hand as her wedges clunked against the hard Lino floor.

"Abbey called, asked if she was alright," she inquired, smiling gently.

"It would be nice to know ourselves what was going on, all these doctors crowding round her like she's some sort of museum exhibition!" I moan, leaning up against the wall and crossing my arms.

"I know Clawdeen, we're all a little stressed right now, but it's best to stay positive," Frankie announced "so, we just have to remember that they want the best for our ghoul and that they're doing everything in their power to make her better."

"Are they?" I corrected.

"Yes of course! She's in the best possible hands," Frankie beamed.

After a long pause, I decided to comment "Sorry ghoul, all this illness has me in a rotten mood. Clawds hardly spoken, Howleens muttering worst case scenarios and I'm trying to stay strong for 'Lauras sake," I confess, sighing as I place a hand to my head to soothe the ache.

"5 hours in a place like this can do that to you. Come here," she mimes for me to come in for a hug and I follow her command, wrapping my arms lazily around her figure. We had spent so many stupid hours waiting for doctor's opinions and countless test results yet nothing seemed to be coming of any of it. We were all beginning to lose hope.

•Frankie's POV•

I clutched my ghoulfriend tight in our embrace as I think about her poor, worn out complexion. Her hair was long, curly and unbrushed, matted in places and her dress hung off her with bits and pieces sitting in all the wrong places. Her eyes looked broken and her face unmade with monscara collecting in the corners of her eyes. I rubbed her back soothingly, as if the more I rubbed the better she would feel. I don't think it worked.

•Clawdeen's POV•

I notice Clawd leaving the vending machine with 3 fresh coffinchinos and a screech juice for Howleen. He gathers them in a holder before wandering over to our place in the corridor, handing them over as Frankie and I let go of each others frail bodies.

"Thanks Clawd," Frankie replied.

"Thank you, but I'm not that hungry," I responded.

"It's a drink. It's intended to cure your thirst," Clawd retorted sarcastically. I understood we were all tired and annoyed at having spent so long dying to find out Draculaura's results and it had gone way into the night, but I felt a little hurt at his bitter reaction.

I ignored his plea and went in at the deep end. "Can I talk to you please? In private?"

We both looked at Frankie, who quickly realised what I was getting at and mumbled something about checking Howleen. It left Clawd and I in the hall, but I determined it might be wiser to take this outside.

"Sure," he proclaimed as we strolled into the evening air. It was pitch black outside with the only exception of a few sprinkled street lights, staring out onto the view of our town.

"So, why we here sis?" he pondered, looking down at me as I slurped aimlessly on my coffinchino. Even with my heels on, Clawd towered dangerously above me.

I looked at him with twisted eyes. "Because you're the only one who actually knows what happened when Draculaura got run over," I snarled, returning my eyeline to the coffinchino steaming in front of me.

He glared at me nervously. "Fire away," he declared.

I spun on my heels to face him, taking in a deep breath before making my statement "Don't lie to me Clawd, I know that when Draculaura ran out into the road she was crying, so you must of upset her or done something to hurt her feelings, so I suggest you be honest and tell me the truth as I know you weren't just watching Titanic when she happened to be running out into the middle of the road without shoes on." I snapped, finishing with a painful stare into his eyes. He turned to look at me straight in the face.

"How do you know all that?" he panicked, squirming under my words as I snigger under my breath.

"Dracula witnessed the entire event, you moron!" I croak, flailing my hands around, angry at my brother.

"It's not how it looks, she wasn't upset with me!" he fired back, nervously moving his eyes away from me.

"Oh, really? Dracula also has some sort of recollection of her not being too enthusiastic at your arrival!" I hissed, rolling my eyes as he taps on his cup, annoyed at my comment.

"She was tired. The party wore everyone out! You gonna blame that on me as well?"

"No Clawd, I'm just saying its strange how all these things point to the fact that you had done something that she didn't like!"

"So what if I did?!"

My eyes widened like two full moons.

"So what if you did? So help me I will find out and take out the punishment you need! What did you do? I demand to know!"

"It's none of your business! This is between Draculaura and I, why are you getting involved? Whatever I did doesn't matter anymore, all that matters is her health!" he bellowed, pouting at me as if it was a crime to care for my beast friend.

"This is my best friend, the one ghoul I have grown up around, who has nursed me to health, who has shared my secrets, who has helped me whenever I needed her, who has laughed and cried with me always, and you expect me to not get involved when she starts dating my own brother?!" I roared. Clawd muttered something under his breath before rolling his eyes and walking back inside.

I trailed behind him eagerly, pestering him to acknowledge whatever he had done wrong.

"I deserve to know! How is this fair? Clawd, you're such a baby for not even bothering to tell your own sister what..."

He immediately turned round, and came up close to my face.

"I CHEATED ON DRACULAURA!" he screamed, breathing heavily next to me before walking on. The whole waiting room went silent, a few people gasping and one monster dropping her phone on the floor with shock. Frankie and Howleen glanced over with big open mouths, shocked at my brothers declaration. He kept on walking, but I shouted back almost as loud.


I stood in the corridor in a state of shock, paralysed to the spot and unable to move or think about my next actions. I was hurt and disappointed in my brother, but I still didn't know the full story. When? How? Who? Why?

Needless to say, I wanted to know. I needed to know. Now.

A/N hey y'all, another update you lucky bunch! I am too excited to be starting this story again! I dedicated this whole chapter to Clawdeen's because the last one focused on Cleo and you need a balance. Wonder Clawdeen's next steps?! Probably lots of mistakes but I will re-read and edit them out now, have fun ghouls, loads more coming soon!:)xx

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