Chapter 12

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•Clawdeen's POV•

I sat silently in Draculaura's hospital room on the old plastic chair closely beside her bed. I undid the lid of her favourite Furberry nail paint - 108 Freaky Fuschia - and began to paint her nails carefully, making dead sure it was streak free and perfect.

"Remember, the nurse said not to paint her fore finger or thumb, because it has to be clean to take an accurate pulse," Frankie chimed in, smoothing the bed sheets and settling down next to Draculaura's feet.

"Hm," I murmured in response, carrying on with the careful job, before finishing and putting the nail polish back into Draculaura's makeup bag. Despite only being in the hospital for a day and a half, she seemed to have a lot of her possessions settling in already, which made me a little sad but happy that it seemed more home like.

None of us dare speak about Clawd's sudden confession. We all sat in painful silence, trying to distract ourselves by doing silly jobs that didn't need to be done, yet we felt this was a way to avoid rehashing what had just happened.

"Morning," a professional looking werecat walked in, shutting the door quietly and strolling over to the end of Lala's bed. She was dressed in a turquoise ruffled blouse with smart black trousers and flat brown brogues. "I'm Doctor Milton, Draculaura's specialist. Is there way I could talk to one of you in private?"

"Yeah, of course," I sigh, following her out of the room and into a cramped office down the corridor.

Settling down into a navy blue office chair, she gestures for me to sit opposite her empty desk, in a comfortable padded brown chair. I cautiously settle myself down on the seat, taking in my small surroundings.

"So, as you know, I'm here to talk a little bit more about Draculaura's progress," she started, flicking up multiple files on her computer. I began to bite my nails nervously, trying to make it discreet, but it was pretty obvious by all the little paint chips falling onto my lap.

"Draculaura has suffered many injuries, which may result in several surgeries, I'm afraid." she explained, crossing her hands lightly and looking at me intently.

"Well, what's going to happen?" I blurted.

"At this moment in time it is hard to comment. She has suffered head distress, resulting in high fevers and coma-like symptoms, and a few fractured ribs. Her legs are sprained and she has been through a lot of torture and will need a lot more rest if she is to return to good health as soon as possible." the Doctor described.

"Will she survive?" I fretted.

"Well, it's looking likely, although right now we can't be sure whether she will return to her full self. I'm...sorry, to be the bearer of bad news."

"It's not your fault," I offered.

"I will update you when the time comes, but until then-"

Frankie ran through the door, opening it so wide it bashed the inadequate plant behind the door, knocking it to the floor, as she grabbed the door handle to prevent it doing anymore damage, the humiliation displayed on her face.

"Sorry!" she apoligised.

"Can I help you?" The Doctor remarked.

"Clawdeen, Draculaura's awake! The nurses have sent us out of the room until they assess how she is, but they think she's improving!" she beamed, grinning as I breathe out heavily, meeting the Doctors gaze once more.

"See. She is getting better every hour. And, if I say so myself, she has some fang-tastic ghoulfriends to help her through this."

Frankie and I glance at each other, smiling with joy.

"Thankyou, Doctor," I smile, before following Frankie up the hallway to Draculaura's room, where the nurses crowded outside the door, ready to let us in.

"She's requesting to see you two!" a Nurse reveals.

"Sis!" Howleen shrieks from across the lobby. "Is she going to be okay?"

"Of course she is! I'm sure of it," I reassured her confidently, as she buries her head into my shoulder, her arms around my waist.

Before entering the room, I stop for a moment and close my eyes, praying that my Lala will be okay. I'll admit, conversing with the Doctor did not help my hope at all, but hearing that Draculaura had actual opened her eyes and spoke was a positive sign.

Strutting into her room, the atmosphere felt completely different - the heavy fog of negativity had lifted, and a happier aura circulated in the area. She was sat up in bed, her deep purple eyes alert and awake. Upon spotting us, her smile grew and her eyes lit up.

"Clawdeen! Frankie! And Howleen! It's my lucky day!" she radiated euphoria at being awake again.

"Ghoul! You were scaring me for a moment there!" I giggle like a naughty school girl, throwing my arms around her body as she echoes my arms. It felt so great to communicate with her once more.

"You were scaring all of us!" Frankie smirked, joining in on the hug.

"I have been so afraid! The nurses told me I missed out on a day and that so much had happened and I noticed my nails in my favourite shade and knew Clawdeen had been here and then I recognized Frankie's organisation of my room and then I just..."

"Someone's got a lot to say!" Howleen approved, hugging Draculaura gently.

"I do! But be careful, my ribs are very painful," she croaked as we all immediately remove our hands from around her body.

"But don't worry, I don't mind! It's good to have you ghouls here," she proclaimed.

"We'll start ringing around and telling people the marvellous news!" Frankie interrupted, grabbing her iCoffin off the side table.

"Oh, use mine Frankie! It's fully charged," Draculaura insisted, leaning over to retrieve it but quickly shuddering back in pain.

"Hey you, don't go stretching yourself too much, you're here to rest, remember?" I suggest, grabbing my ghouls hand. She squeezes it back, staring at me with delight dancing in her eyes.

Frankie picked up the iCoffin, tapping it to unlock it when she stammered "There's a few missed calls!"

"Who's the most recent? We can ring them first!" Draculaura asserted.

"Venus..." Frankie trailed off.

We all stood silently.

"Go on then," Draculaura lisped.

Frankie hesistantly dialed Venus' number, while we all waited for her to pick up the phone...

A/N Had to split this up into two parts because it's going to be a HUGE chapter about Draculaura, but don't worry, after this we'll be back to the other ghouls and school and stuff. PLEASE don't forget to vote and comment if you have time, I love hearing the comments hahaha and it makes me happy! Next bit coming very soon! Enjoy my pretty things and keep reading!:)xx

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