Chapter 9

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•Cleo's POV•

I sat in the waiting room of the clinic, flicking my manicured nails through a crumpled magazine. It was a miracle they had got me in this early, an 8:30am appointment was rare, but even so, many people plagued the waiting room.

Even though all the seats were not filled, and Deuce was sat closely beside me, I felt like everyone was watching me. As if to say 'What is that teen monster doing here alone?'

Of course, they all could read my mind. I would have come with my father if I had a sickness bug or flu.

I was going to find out if I was pregnant.

"Miss De Nile?" A young dragon with flaming red hair entered the room, with baby blue overalls and pale pink, patent heels. I admit, those shoes looked a little out of place to their surroundings.

"Here," Deuce calls, grabbing my hand as I place the magazine on the seat beside me, balancing next to him. I retreat my hand - it felt too clichéd. It made us look so common, as if we wanted this baby and that we were so stupid, thinking we'd be 'togeva foreva', even though we were so young.

I silently moved ahead down the corridors, following the lady to a wooden green door with a worn silver handle. She clicks it open, and ushers Deuce and I in. I immediately smell hospital.

A wolf sits in front of us, a striped suit and navy tie in tow. Looking serious in his brown leather chair, he pushes his brown rimmed glasses further up his nose and wheels his chair closer to me.

"Cleo, is it?" he mumbles.

"Yes," I croak back, unable to move as I sit on the bed. I feel dead uncomfortable moving around on the examination table, as some paper towels had been laid down, and every time I twitched, they would rip underneath me.

Deuce sat in the chair opposite, smiling nervously. He, too, was a little scared - but I recognised his brave face. He was there to support me.

"Well, tell me the problem," he declares, grabbing a notepad from his jumbled desk and pulling a pen out of his blazer pocket, looking towards the paper, then back at me.

I begin to stutter, as my cheeks flame red. "I think..I, urm....might be.......pregnant," I breathe out, glad that sentence was out in the air.

"I see," he scribbles frantically "and I'm guessing you're fairly young?"

"You could say that," I smirk, although he stared straight at me, bemused by my confident approach. I stop.

"Well, how long was it ago that you believe you conceived? I'm guessing this is father," he booms, again rolling back to his notepad, frantically making notes.

"That's right," Deuce begins to state "It was about a week ago. Not too long."

"First time?" he jests.

"Yes, sir," Deuce laughs, as the doctor raises his eyebrows, smiling. He appeared to warm to Deuce.

"Well, at this stage, it's hard to tell if you have conceived. But, if you are sure you are showing the signs of pregnancy, then we could try a urine test," he puts his notes down and begins to stare at Deuce and I.

"What if that doesn't work?" Deuce adds.

"A blood test would be the next option. But, a urine test is a lot simpler, and I don't want to cause any unnecessary pain," he explained.

"Okay then, Cleo?" Deuce asks.

I glare at them both "How dependent is this test?" I query.

"Very dependent indeed. 98%, to be exact. It's best we get the results first, then we can judge. Katie, I hope you wouldn't mind taking her to the nearest toilet and giving her this?" The doctor points to a small cylinder as he looks to me "Just urinate about a centimetre in that cup, that's generally enough. Then you can come back." he smiles. "All clear?"

Yes," I reply shakily as Katie begins to walk, holding the door open for me.

"Sure you'll be okay on your own?" Deuce questions. I nod carefully, before walking out.

We walk down another cramped corridor. I couldn't help but stare at this disgusting tub I was about to pee in. A De Nile didn't pee in small tupperware! I shudder before entering a small room. "Here you go," Katie's cheery voice said as she shuts the door behind me, standing outside as I lock it.

I look in the mirror, staring carefully. I couldn't believe what I had done. One moment, I was this young, carefree ghoul who enjoyed fearleading and went to school with her GFFs. Now, overnight, I could turn into a mother, raising a child with my young boyfriend, who's mother would be stone cold against me.

"Everything okay in there?" Katie called.

I didn't answer, snapping out of my trance and walking over to the bowl.


Walking out, Katie smiled at me, leading me back to the room where Deuce and the doctor were in deep conversation. This angered me, somehow, I almost felt they were all laughing at me, and that hurt.

"Ahh, you're back. Everything okay?"

"Yes, I think so," I reply.

"Thankyou," he smiles reassuringly, placing the stick in the liquid. "This may take a little while," he laughs, looking at his watch.

I stare at Deuce.

I had lost everything if I was pregnant. My freedom, my dreams. My friends, my support network, my school life, my social status, my life. Everything down the drain.

Deuce gestures me to come over to him, and I jump off the bed, walking over to him and sitting on his lap. His arms snake around my waist, pulling me closer and resting his head on my chest.

"Here," the doctor says as my ears perk up.

"I'm happy to tell you the result is positive."

I look at Deuce. He smiles nervously.

"We're having a baby!" he whispers, cuddling me closer as tears stream down my face.

Truth was, I didn't really know how to feel. It was incredible how Deuce and I had created this child - this being, having a little bit of each of us inside, but then again, everything I knew was going out the window. It was a litle bit stupid to think of it as a baby at this point though - it truthfully was a bunch of cells.

I wouldn't be able to attend school, or get my grades. In fact, I wouldn't be able to work for a while. I would just be sat at home with a child.

That is if I have a home. My father will be fuming. He will kick me out, for sure. Even Nefera couldn't have predicted this right royal mess up. And Deuces mum, she would never forgive me. She loves Deuce too much. I would be an ornament in her garden before long.

I guess there's always an abortion...

A/N: hey, so yeah. I don't know if this actually happens, this is hit my interpretation. Poor Cleo!:) sorry I haven't updated, Crimbo is almost here and I have been mega busy with school. Enjoy!xx

^UPDATED AUTHORS NOTE - OMG GUYS!! Thankyou so much for all the support! For the last 3 weeks I have been frantically searching all my paperwork to figure out the password to this account to update it, and here I am! It's been so LONG, TOO LONG! I am back into my Monster High after a recent Disney craze and am ready to return to Wattpad. THANKYOU :*

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