Chapter 4

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•Draculaura's POV•

I watched Clawdeen walk past me with Frankie and Abbey. By this point, I was sat on floor under the table. I know I'm weird, but I'm waiting for someone to notice me, or I'm not quite sure what I'm waiting for.

I managed to clean up the mess I had made, after calming down. But I just still felt so hopeless and alone. I sigh, cuddling my knees further.

Was I really this small in the world?

•Cleo's POV•

I wake up rapidly, with someone's muscular hands shaking me lightly, my eyes darting around the room and landing on the person stood beside me.

"Deuce?" I mutter, propping my body up on my elbows.

"Babe, your dads here to collect you. He said I could come back with you. Do you think you'll be able to wake up a bit before we leave?" he hinted, placing a warm hand on my thigh.

"Um, yeah, okay," I informed, picking up my bag and leaning out of bed. He helps me stand, and I stare at my face in the mirror.

"Oh my raa! I look a disgrace. Who ever owns this house must have a pair of sunglasses!" I protest, sliding open the door of the closet and pulling open the small drawers wedged into the side, rummaging through.

"Cleo! We don't know who's house this is! I think it belongs to a normie. Don't go through their stuff!" Deuce cries, grabbing my elbow and pulling it down from it's place in a box. I paused.

"Hmm, good point, I wouldn't want to catch a disease." I reasoned. "But I'm desperate and I won't have anyone see me in this state!" I stormed, grabbing a pair of red sunglasses, with big diamanté rims. "Here. Red isn't my personal fave but of course, any colour looks good on me." I sigh as Deuce stops leaning against the door and takes me down the stairs. He stops holding my hand and turns to face me as we get to the bottom.

"Look at all these people, laying down on the floor as if it's their own!' I ranted in disgust. "How classless! A De Nile never sleeps on the ground!"

"Cleo." Deuce interrupts.

"What now?" I remarked.

"Do you remember what happened last night?"

"Why I woke up in the bed, alone? Well, there was some other people in the bedroom that weren't when I went to bed!"

"No no, before that?"

"Oh." I knew exactly what he was talking about.

Of course I knew. How could I forget? Our first time. And I was full of a drink that had been drugged. Mummy - I mean, daddy - would not be best pleased.

"I hope nothing comes of it," Deuce theorised. "But tell me if anything happens," he comforts me, pulling me into his chest. I sigh, nuzzling my face on his shoulder.

"CLEO!" Nefera's voice boomed down the hallway.

"Oh, yeah, forgot to tell you she's home for a couple days. But don't sweat it, just keep out of her way," Deuce reassured, smiling back at me as I let out a forced chuckle.

"Dad wants you on board immediately. Hurry up with your loser-of-a-boyfriend because I'm late for my mani-pedi," Nefera peeks round the doorway, looking at me in disgust, before tossing her hair back and storming off. She was NEVER nice to Deuce, and I hated her for it.

"Did you guys ever get along?" Deuce inquired, pulling me along with him as I daydream.

Did we?


~Cleo plays in the sun with Nefera. She's young, and still very beautiful~

"Cleo!" my mothers voice called out. "Are you still out here?" Her seductive voice giggled.

"Yes mom! I love playing with the water playset!" I babbled, showing off a goofy smile. Nefera grins wildly behind me.

"I'm glad you do. You're a true De Nile," she insisted, stepping down the stairs in her skyscraper heels. Even at home, she wanted to look best for my father. She was a lot younger than him, but extremely prim and proper. She loved us dearly.

"One day," she whispers beside us, bending down to our height "you can travel all over your homeland, Egypt. And then, you'll be able to play all day in the Nile River!" she described, getting lost in her own thoughts.

"And we can we go shopping?" Nefera cried.

"Of course!" my mother sang as she stood up. Her curves were accentuated in her golden-wrap jumpsuit, her hair hovering over her legs.

"And we can all live together happily," I beamed.


"Cleo, hello? Get in already!" Nefera interrupted, and I stared at her.

"Cleo, babe?" Deuce questions behind me.

"I'm fine," I lie, swallowing hard and walking up the stairs and sitting down across from my father. Deuce squeezed in, and the servants set off, walking home.

"What a loser," Nefera scoffs "This was a waste of my time."

"Enough Nefera." My father signalled for her vile comments to stop.

I think back to my day dream. How things used to be. I miss how it was back then. We were a family. What happened?

I turned around to face Deuce and stare out the window, no matter how many worried glances came my way. I focused on the outside world. Somehow, I prayed my problems and issues would disappear if I stared harder at the objects.

But I just ended up with a headache.

A/N so I decided to update so soon because I felt bad for not finishing my last chapter very well! I added the Draculaura bit because I'm not sure what's coming next for her. Cleo's daydream is a starter of the story, as she'a my main character, and as I know where her stories heading. I'm sort of leading into Cleo's 'mummy issues', and I guess looking back at her past. Because I want Cleo to have a mum :D xx

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