08 : Responsibilities

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After like 3 minutes, Baekhyun come back to the cave. Panting a bit.

"Are you okay?" He asked as soon as he arrived back.

I just nodded. He found a good spot to make a fire. Soon, he succeed on making a fire to keep us warm. Thanks to him. Without him, I'll die tonight in coldness.

"How are we going to get back to the camping spot?" I asked.

"Just follow the sunrise direction tomorrow," he answered.

"Ah.. You really are smart," I compliment. He's smart because I didn't even thought of that.

"Really?" He smirked a mocking smirk.

"For now," I laughed.

"How's your ankle?" He changed the topic.

"Still hurt. A bit," I answered.

Then, he approached me.

"Can I see it?" He asked.

"You don't need to. I am fine," I convinced him.

"Do you want me to piggyback you again tomorrow?" He asked and of course the answer will be a no.

"No," I answered defensively. "Fine. You can check it."

I took off my shoe and sock. Then, he held my ankle and bend it a bit.

"Ouch! Yah! Its hurt!" I shouted then I hit his head.

"You say you're fine," He laughed.

"I am fine if you don't bend it!"

He took out a spray from his bag. I don't know what is the purpose of the spray.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Its an external pain relieving spray."


"I don't have ice right now so just use this. It feels cold anyway."

"Oh," I nodded.

Then, he sprayed my ankle. It feels good. It does feel cold. After that, he took out a bandage and bandaged my ankle.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"Its just nothing. Now, you need to rest."

I lay my head on my bag. I was about to close my eyes. I look at Baekhyun and saw that he was wrapping his body with his arms. Then, I remembered something. I sat down and took something from my bag.

"Aren't you sleeping?" He asked.

"Wait," I told him.

I took out his jacket from my bag. His jacket that he let me wear at the bus stop.

"Here. Wear this. You are probably cold right?" I said handing him his jacket.

"You should --"

"I already have mine. Don't worry. Aren't you tired from piggybacking me? You know I am quite heavy anyway," yeah. I am pretty heavy.

"Don't worry. I can bear with it," he chuckled. So I am heavy then.

"You should have a rest," I told him.

After I said that, I walked to his back. I gave him a massage. Don't think anything. I know that I am heavy and he is probably tired because of me. I hate making people tired because of me.

"Yah! What are you doing? I told you that I can bear with it."

"Don't move. I know you're tired. Just accept this as my appreciation for helping me with my broken ankle."

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