16 : Reality Revealed

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"That's me!" Sehun exclaimed.

"Oh! That explain why it looks familiar to me," Kai answered.

Then, it was silence awkward for like 5 seconds.

"Wait! Did I heard it wrongly? That's you? So, both of you know each other since young?" Kai responded.

"Why are you so slow?" Kyungsoo said.

"What you mean?" Kai asked.

"I mean that your reaction is slow," Kyungsoo answered.

"I am just processing his words."

"How come you don't know that? I thought all of you had already know," Sehun said.

"You should have told me," Kai answered.

"You didn't asked and plus you always sleep. All of them had already asked me," Sehun replied him.

"But, childhood friends usually end up together. How about you two?" Kai said.

What is he thinking?! I glared at him and said, "You know what? Not all childhood friends ended up together because we've grown up too much and a lot of things had changed!"

I don't want to make it obvious that I am mad. So, I stayed for a while.

"Hey, calm down! I am just kidding," Kai said.

After like just 2 minutes, I stand up and make an excuse. I went to my room and closed the door.

Hyorin's POV

I was in the kitchen when suddenly someone came.

"Do you need help?" I turned around and saw Suho.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I just want to help you," he said.

"No. You don't need to."

"I want to help so don't resist."

Well, I don't want to be rude and maybe I do need help. He is older than me so what can I do? He help me cutting the food while I do something else.

While I was busy with cooking...

"Ouch!" I quickly turned to the voice and saw that Suho cut his finger. I rushed to him.

"Yah, are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah," he said.

"You don't need to lie. Wait, I go get the first aid."

"You don't --"

"No excuse."


"You already help me so I also want to help you," I smiled.

I quickly went to get the first aid. Soon, I went to him.

"Give me your finger."

At first, he hesitated for awhile but then give me his finger that had cut. I clean the blood first and give something that can prevent it from bacteria. Its quite burdensome.


"Hey, please be a man."

"I am just shocked."

"For real?" I laughed.

Then, I gave it a plaster. Not long after, I heard someone said something almost shouting. Think that its Eunmi. Its a girl's voice.

"Hey, calm down! I am just kidding," someone said.

I quickly tidy the first aid then put it back to its place. I went to the others and didn't saw Eunmi.

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