21 : Getting Closer

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Baekhyun's POV

After I whispered the words, I turned around and saw someone familiar.

"Baekhyun?" The girl said.

"How did you know me?" I asked. What a dumb question Baekhyun?! You're a singer!

"Don't you remember me? Eunmi's friend. Yuri," she explained.

"Oh! Yuri! The one that Eunmi bring to Hyorin's hospital room. Am I right?" I asked.

"Yea. What are you doing here?" She asked me.

"I am just having a short walk with someone but she had already left," I said.

"With someone? A girl, huh? She is so lucky," she said while looking away from me.

"Its not really someone. It was your friend anyway."


"Ne. She just left awhile ago because she need to meet someone. So, what are you doing here?"

"I always went here whenever I feel bored at home."

"Your home is not far from here?"

"Not really."

"Ah... I think I need to go now. Goodbye and nice to meet you again," I said while bowing.

"Ah.. ne. Nice to meet you too," she said.

Then, I walked further away from her. Somehow, I feel like awkward when I talked with her. Maybe it was because I am not close with her.

I went back to the dorm and realize it was fill with silence.

"Hello~ Is anyone here?" I asked.

But, there is no answer. Where did all of them go? I check every place but there is no one. Not even a person can be seen. Where are they?

Eunmi's POV

I feel guilty for leaving Baekhyun behind like that but I really need to go. I ran to the garden as quickly as possible.

As I reached there, I was panting heavily and I realize that I was still holding the water bottle that Baekhyun gave me earlier. I drank all of it then calm myself. As soon as I was calm, I walk around the garden.

"Sehun, are you here?" I asked.

"Oh! Eunmi! You're here! What took you so long?" He asked.

"I am from Han river. I was meeting with someone," I answered him.

"This place doesn't change a lot but why is it now a garden?"

"Do you remember that I like floral?"

"Ah... ne. So, is this your idea?"

"Of course! I asked my parents to make this since the tree house had been destroyed."

"That tree house had provides many different memorable moments."

"Ne but it was now destroyed."

"It was just a memories now."

I smile to him then sat on a bench. Sehun followed me and also sat down beside me.

"Do you remember the time when I left you? That time, you were crying heavily," Sehun said.

"Yah! That was because you are going to leave me!"



It was the last day of school before another holiday came. I was walking all the way to my house with Sehun. I am 8 years old while Sehun is 7 years old.

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