25 : Han Kyoung Mi

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The next day, I eat my breakfast with all of them. Its kinda awkward but I am trying my best to be normal.

As soon as we finish eating, appa stand up from the chair and say something.

"Eunmi please see me after this."

He sounds serious. Well, who care? Then, I stand up from my seat and went to see appa.

"Wae appa?" I asked as soon as I found him.

"I have something to give to you."

Then, he give me a red box.

"Appa, iega-mwo-yeyo (what is this)?" I asked.

"The thing that your parents want to give you on your 2nd birthday."

I look at him with my eyes wide open. As soon as I open it, I saw the same neklace as the one that they give me on my birthday this year. But the necklace have the picture of my mother and father with a baby.

"Who is this baby?" I asked.

"Your sister."

I wear the necklace while took off the necklace that they give me. I look into the box making sure that its empty. But there's still something.

I took it out and realize that it was a picture.

"Who are they?" I asked.

"Oh! That was your father and mother. This girl is you and the baby is your sister. Your father had also told me that your sister was given the same necklace as yours, but it didn't have your picture in it."

"Can I ask what are their name?"

"Your father is Han Mi Seok. Your mother is Kim Ha Rae and your sister is Han Kyoung Mi if I am not mistaken."

"Gumawo. I should keep this at a safe place."

Then, I went to my bedroom and take my phone. I took a picture of the family photo just incase the photo was gone. Then, I put it in my drawer. Now, I have clues to find my sister.

I was playing with my phone when suddenly someone text me.

Sehunnie: Are you free? Meet me at the garden.

Me: Is it really that important?

Sehunnie: Just come if you're free.

I was too lazy. Maybe I should have come later. Mianhe Sehun-ah. I think I should take a short nap first.

Sehun's POV

I was waiting at the garden for like one hour. Maybe she is busy, but she should have at least reply my text!

I walked out of the garden and saw someone familiar across the road. I stood still at where I am. I look at the person and she cross the road. Is she coming to the garden?

Why is she wearing a spectacle? Weird. Is it the spectacle that Baekhyun hyeong give her? As soon as she reach at where I am standing, she just glance at me and walk pass me.


"Yah! Eunmi!" I shouted.

The girl stop and turn around with confuse face.

"Eunmi?" She asked.

I approach her and realize that she was kinda shorter than before.

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