46 : Avoiding Eunmi

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Baekhyun's POV

I just waste my time all day sitting on a secret place that I only know about this. I found this place that was covered with bushes but it was really a nice place. This place is not at Seoul. It was probably out of Seoul.

My phone keep on ringing. Many of them were from Eunmi and some from the EXO's members. I hug my legs curling up all day.

I keep on thinking on how to avoid her. I don't want to see her. My brain said I should forget her but my heart said give her a chance to explain everything.

I can't make any decision!

I haven't eaten anything yet since this morning except for that latte. Believe me or not, I've been here from morning until it was night.

I thought it was already too late so I give Suho hyung a text saying that I am at my mother's house. I stand up weakly. I walked out of the bushes and walk a bit away from the place. I hail a taxi.

I was on my way to my parent's house. I just stare out of the window. Thinking too hard on what I should do.

I hope, mom can help me.

After some minutes of drifting off, I finally arrive. It's not really that far from the secret place. I jump out of the taxi and stand in front of the house first. I huff a sigh and knocked the door.

"Eomma! It looks like we have visitor!" that was probably my brother's voice, but why is he here?

"Who is --" as my mom open the door, I immediately hug her.

"Eomma~" I said.

"Omo, Omo!" she said.

"Waeyo eomma?" my brother asked from behind. I broke the hug and smile towards my brother. "B-Baekhyun-ah."

"Baekhyun, why are you here? Aren't you suppose to be at the dorm by now?" eomma asked.

"I just miss all of you. Where's appa?" I asked as I enter the house.

"Jamkhanman. Appa! Someone is looking for you!" hyung shouted.

"What is it? Who?" he asked as he rushed downstairs.

"Appa," I smiled as I hug him.

"Oh! Baekhyun-ah!" he said.

The night was fine for me. We talked a lot but I didn't tell what had happen. I continue being silence.

"Baekhyun, are you okay? You look different. You look pale. Are you sick?" eomma asked as she feel my forehead.

"Eomma--" I was being cut off by her voice.

"Omo! You have a fever!" she shouted.

"Jeongmalyo?" appa and my brother asked as they approach me.

"Naega gwaenchana (I am fine)," I paint a faint smile.

"No you're not. You need to rest now. Let me help you to have a rest at the room," my brother said as he help me to stand up.

I was kinda weak that I don't even realize I am already laying on the bed. I immediately close my eyes and sleep.


Narrator's POV

Baekhyun was well rested on the bed. His other family members really worried about his condition that they stayed up.

Currently, his mother and father were the one that was in his room. They were looking after him with all their love. His phone were kept in silence mode by his brother to not disturb him.

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