27 : Don't Bring My Heart

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Baekhyun's POV

It was silence for some minutes. I notice that Eunmi's excitement has slowly fade. I look at her and saw her stare the ground. She is not usually like this when she is in a good mood.

"Eunmi, gwaenchana?" I asked her.

"Baekhyun-ah, what if one day you were left alone? You were being abandoned. What will you do?" She asked all of a sudden.

I was kinda surprised when she asked that type of question.

"I will find other people who are willing to spend time with me... Yah~ why are you asking this type of question? Gwaenchana?"

"Then, what if one day, someone you love leave you? Or might as well say they're died."

"Yah! Jinjja gwaenchana?" I look at her with worry looks. Then, I pull her into an embrace. I let her burst out crying. I pat her back trying to calm her down.

"What have I done? I left her alone all this year. I have abandoned her. I let her to not feel how it is like to have a family. I should be the one who is in her situation!" She cried.

I know how she feel. She is blaming herself for letting her sister alone for all these years. I also feel sad looking at her crying. I should be strong for her. I broke the embrace and put my hands on her cheeks while my thumb wipe her tears.

"Listen to me. Eunmi, life is never perfect. We learn from our own mistakes. You have reason for leaving her alone. You never know that you have sister before. Am I right? Please be strong. You've been crying too much nowadays. If you keep on blaming yourself, then when will this end? You should always be reminded that life is always full of difficulties. It is to test how strong we are to handle our own life."

I look into her watery eyes. It seems like she is processing my words. Maybe she is thinking. I was waiting for her reaction. After some minutes, he look down. I released my hands and give her some time.

"You're right. You're always right," she look up at me and give a weak smile.



I was super duper surprised that she kiss me on my cheek. What is she doing?

"Baekhyun-ah, gumawo. Can you promise me something?" She said.

I look at her still with surprised face. I calm down and look at her calmly.

"What was it?"

"Please don't leave me like how my appa and eomma did," she said while her eyes were filled with tears.

"Don't worry. I promise that I will never leave you. I will promise that I will always be there for you," I smiled. "But you need to promise me something first."

"What would it be?"

"Please don't think of many negative thought. You've been crying a lot. You should smile more often."

"Arasso. I will," she smiled which make my heart skip a beat. ♥

"I think I should go now," she said while standing.

"Arasso. Becareful arachi?" I said.

She nod and bid her goodbye to me. I look her walking when suddenly a thought pop in my mind. I ran after her and hold her arm.

"Huh? Wae? Did I left something?" She asked while turning around.

"Its not that you left something. I just want to tell you please don't bring my heart along," I smirked.

"Wha-what are you trying to say?" She asked confused.

"Think about it smarties," I said letting go her arm.


"I know you are smart. You can go now."

"Oh? A-arasso."

Then, she walk away slowly. Maybe she's thinking. How cute.

Eunmi's POV

Please don't bring my heart along.

What was that supposed to mean? I don't understand him but for some reason, my heart beat faster. But why?

I was thinking that I don't even realize that I was walking slowly. Soon, I hail a taxi. As soon as I reach home safely, I was still thinking.

"Oh! Eunmi, you're back. Where are you from?" Eonnie asked.

"Just from a certain park," I said not looking at her.

"What are you thinking?" She asked.

"Where's eomma and appa?"

"Upstair. Wae?"

I just ignore her and walked to my bedroom. I sit down on my bed and still thinking.

"Don't bring my heart along? How can I bring his heart?" I talked to myself.

"Bring his heart?" Someone said.

I look at the owner of the voice and it was eomma.

"Oh! Eomma, why are you here?" I asked.

She came to me and sit beside me.

"What are you thinking?" Eomma asked.

"Eomma, I have this weird friend who told me to not bring his heart along. I don't understand what he meant by that."

"So, you're thinking what it means?"

"Ne. Do you know?"

"Of course I know."

"Huh?! What was it? Eomma tell me!" I desperately asked.

"You should think about it yourself."

"Eomma~ arasso! Then, give me at least a hint."

"It relate with love."

Love? I still didn't get it but my heart keep on beating fast. Why is that so?


"Anyway, who is your weird friend that say that?"

"Its Byun Baekhyun."

"Byun Baekhyun from Exo?"

"Ne. You know him?"

"Of course."

"But ho-- oh! Right! You should know him. He's a singer."

"You're lucky that he said that to you. Every girls really want to hear that from his mouth."


"That, you need to think it yourself."

"Eomma, I have questions to ask."

"Go on while I am here."

"Why does this heart keep on beating unusually fast when he stare into my eyes and when he smiled?"

"Really? Just because his smile your heart beat faster?"

"Well, I thought it was a normal thing, but it keeps on beating even if we know each other for some months already."

"Do you really know what is love?"

"Ahm.. not really."

"Love is when you meet someone that you really need. A person who can always make you smile. A person that know how to make your heart flustered a lot. A person that you think you want to spend your life with," she explained.

I was still processing the words. Don't tell me that she was trying to say that I love Baekhyun.


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Sorry foe grammar errors and wrong spellings. Hope you understand!


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