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i just ate a bunch of cherries and i feel healthy af. also i have no idea where i'm going with this oops.


The next morning they didn't speak of it. On one side, Luke was thankful for that. It had happened but they couldn't continue, even if they both wanted it. It would only be a distraction and Michael had so much to learn, with the current situation they just couldn't do it.

On the other side, Luke couldn't stop thinking about it. During his training, he couldn't focus at all because his mind kept wondering back to Michael. It also didn't help that he was teamed up to train with him in the afternoon. The whole morning he had been anxious about later and the others started to notice.

Alex was the one who noticed first. They had trained with Luke before, and they were surprised by how fast he was. Not once was Alex able to defeat him. But that morning he didn't win once. After he lost again, Alex called it quits.

"Spill. What's going on with you?" they demended. Luke was distracted and they couldn't have that in such a crucial time. At any moment the demons could attack and everybody had to be as focussed as possible. Luke understood that, and he tried all he could to set his feelings aside.

"There is nothing," Luke replied with a huff. He didn't feel like telling anyone about what was going on in his mind. The last thing that they could use right now were his feelings for Michael.

"Stop lying. You haven't won once this morning and I know something's troubling you," Alex pushed. Luke sighed.

"I'm sorry for being unfocussed. Can't we just drop it? I'll try better."

"No. We can't just drop it. Whatever it is, the only way to get rid of it is to talk about it," Alex argued. Luke thought about it. He knew they were right and that they could give him advice. But they were also waisting time right now, time that could be used for training.

"You're right. Something is wrong, but I can't talk about it. I promise to tell you during lunch, if we drop it for now." Alex had agreed with him and they went back to what they were doing before.

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The morning went by faster than Luke had hoped, and soon he found himself outside the mansion, sitting under a tree with Alex across him.

After their short conversation that morning, Luke had been able to focus better. He was faster than before and even won all the fights. The thought of sharing what was on his mind made him feel quite better.

But now the moment came, he was nervous. Alex could get mad at him for even letting his feelings distract him. Or worse, they could tell Michael about it.

"C'mon, you can do it. You have been plucking grass out of the ground for a few minutes now. It can't be that bad, right?" Alex send him a smile. Luke inhaled deeply and cleared his throat.

"I have feelings for Michael," he blurted out. As soon as he said that he covered his mouth. That wasn't what he wanted, and not the way that he wanted to tell them.

Alex looked at him with a suprised expression. "Oh" was all they could say. Luke lowered his head and started pulling grass again. It was silent for a few seconds before he heard a loud laugh. His head shut up and he wasn't really sure what to feel.

After Alex stopped laughing, they sighed. "Was that it? You sucked becausr you couldn't stop thinking about Mikey?" There was still a grin on their face.

"Not only that. I kissed him last night. Well, after he asked." If he was able to blush, he would've been tomato red right now. It felt awkward talking about it, especially since Alex was so chill about it.

"He asked you to? Well, I don't see the problem here."

"The problem is that he has no idea what relationships are. And we could be killed at any moment. In other words, there is no time for that." As soon as the words left his mouth, Luke realized that he sounded desperate.

"I think you're just making up reasons not to go for it. So what if Michael doesn't know anything? He will learn along the way. And for the killing part, that's one more reason why you should go for it. It's now or never, right?" Alex patted Luke's knee. "That's all I can say to you for now. I've got to go, good luck." Alex stood up and left leaving Luke to sit by his own.

Luke thought about what they said. He wanted to go for it, but he was scared. Could Michael feel the same for him? He wanted to kiss him, but maybe that was just because he wanted to kiss. Maybe he asked Luke because he was the closed to him. Maybe he just saw him as a friend.

Luke's thoughts were interupted by a 'hey' behind him. He turned around and saw Michael walking towards him. He sat down across Luke and looked at him puzzled.

"You didn't show up to training and Alex told me that you could be here. Are you okay?" Luke shrugged.

"I've just got a lot on my mind. I'm sorry for being late," he replied. Michael looked concerned. Luke was never this.. weird with him.

"You want to head back? We still have time to train," Michael offered. He was about to stand up when Luke gripped his wrist.

"I.." It was now or never. "I have something to tell you." Michael sat down again and waited. Luke took a breath before speaking up.

"I have feelings for you. Romantic feelings."


ok so i'm bored as hell.

and i dont know what to write so this is just whatever.

my birthday was a week ago and??? it's still weird to say that i'm 16 like wtf no i'm still a tiny confused 13 year old on the inside help me

pls vote and/or comment, i am thirsty. AND i love you.


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