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I was suddenly pulled out of the darkness, back to reality. My body shot up and it was hard to breathe. I started coughing, and I heard footsteps. I calmed down and looked up, seeing Michael stand there. He took my hand and squeezed it, the familiar sparkles shooting trough my body. His big eyes were full with worry and I gave him a small smile, letting him know that I was okay. I looked, past him and the two human boys sitting at a table, and anotger person standing close behind Michael. I had no idea who they were, but they had bright pink eyes, so they must be a vampire.

I've read about them. There were two sorts of vampires, one on Satan's side and one one against them. This one must be one against Satan, because why else were Ashton and Calum alive. But at the same time, those vampires feed of demons, but Michael seemed perfectly fine.

They noticed me looking at them, and stepped forward, holding out their hand. Michael was holding my left hand, so I was able to shook their hand with my right one. They smiled widely, in a friendly way.

"Hi, Luke. I'm Alex, nice to meet you," they said. I nodded as a 'likewise'. I recognized their voice, I've heard it several times when I was unconscious.

"Alex helped us get away from my brothers, and even killed one. Without them we were probably dead by now," Michael told me, shooting a thankful smile towards Alex. I crooked out a "thanks" and they just shrugged.

"It was the best thing I can do. I found you guys hanging around in the woods and in the house, and overheard that Michael was one of the brothers. I've heard stories about him, saying that he was the weak one, and the most hated one. I disagree. Michael had shown me strength, and he did everything to save you. But when I found out who you were Luke, I couldn't help but wanting to team up with you. You are the strongest angel, and the only one with a memory. Please, allow me to help you take down the brothers," Alex asked me. I thought about it for a moment. Vampires are strong creatures, fast and hard to kill. Having one helping us would defiantly get us somewhere. But something hit me suddenly. The two human boys were still there, and they probably heard everything that Alex just said. Michael seemed to understand what was going on inside my mind, and gave my hand another squeeze, sending me a reassuring smile.

"We told them, about almost everything. They believed us," he told me. I turned to them and they were smiling at me, Ashton sending me thumbs up. I let out a cracky laugh, but soon stopped because of the tightening feeling on my throat. Michael quickly helped me sit up straighter so I could breathe better. Alex was still waiting for an answer, and I had decided what's it was going to be.

"I would be very grateful if you could help us, so if Michael agrees, you're in." Alex glanced over to Michael, who nodded in response with a "why not?". Alex giggled.

"Thanks, guys, it means a lot," they said, with a wide smile on their face. I heard a forced cough and saw Ashton standing up, hand still wrapped around Calum's. Even Calum looked surprised by that, but smiled anyway.

"If it's okay, we wanna help too. I know that we, as humans, won't be much help, but we can always try," Ashton said. Everyone looked at me, assuming that I would make the decision. By bringing them into this, they would risk their lives. But at the same time, they already knew too much, and we could really use the help.

"Yeah, you could help us. But I'm warning you, if it gets too dangerous, I want you both to leave. I don't want you to get killed by one of them, or worse, get bitten, got it?" They both nodded eagerly. I was about to speak up again, when suddenly Calum pushed Ashton towards him and slammed their lips together. I closed my mouth and just looked at them. Seeing them kiss like that, made me realize how much I craved being like that. They were so in love, and I missed being like that. Yes, I had feelings towards Michael, but he has no idea how everything works. By confessing my feelings for him would only make him more confused than that he already was. Speaking of confused, Michael nudged me, giving me a questioning look.

"What are they doing?" he asked me. I could punch myself in the face. Ofcourse he had no idea what they were doing, and now he was confused. I held in a chuckle, because of how adorable he looked.

"They are kissing," I told him. He still looked lost so explained further. "Kissing is something you do with someone you have feelings for, or care for in a romantic way. Most of the time the people that kiss are in a relationship." Michael nodded understanding. The boys and Alex were watching us, smiling.

"What do you do when you're in a relationship?" he then asked. I stiffened. The memories of my past flash by, every single moment with him. I loved him so much, and he couldn't love me back. Ofcourse, he said he loved me, but I could see that he was lying. The way he treated me, like I was just someone he could let out all his anger on. All my friends told me I was crazy for still being with him, but all people always say, love makes you do crazy things.

I realized that while I was drifted of in thoughts, Michael was still waiting for an answer. So were the others, because they were all looking at me with the same expression. Pity. They pitied me because they must've guessed that I didn't have a good past with relationships. They were right, but I didn't want to let them know, so I gathered up all my bad thoughts and put them away in a far corner in my mind, ready to answer the cute boy in front of me.

"Well, you kiss, hug, cuddle, hold hands, go on dates and do other cute things together. At least, that's what most relationships do. Ofcourse, there are different ones, but this is usual," I replied. I decided to let the part about sex out, since I wasn't in the mood for giving him sex ed, and sex wasn't the most important thing in relations. Yeah, lots of people do it, but it's not the main thing.

I was surprised when I suddenly felt arms wrap around my body. I felt soft lilac hair tickle my neck, and I returned the hug. I noticed how strong his grip was, like he wanted to let me know something.

"Thank you, Luke. For explaining everything and being patient with me. I really appreciate it," he whispered in my neck. I smiled and hugged him back tighter.

We broke away from eachother when the doorbell rang again. Before I turned to the door I heard Alex mutter "are you kidding me?". I was greeted by the man that I had known for 5 years, smiling at Alex' comment.

"No, I am God."


god cracking a dad joke, i couldn't help it.

i'm trying not to rush this story, but i'm so excited for the ending and also the possible sequel so i'm sorry if you think that it's going too fast.

their relationship is slow, though. if you don't like it, i'm not sorry bc that's how i like it.

thoughts on cashton kiss?? idk if u guys wanted them together or not so i just did it. more gay couples yay!!!!

100 votes???? thank you cuties xxx

also please check out my new lashton called "turning human". it's an alien/human au. rlly rad. please let me know what u think!!!

please vote and/or comment and i love you.

*tips vedora* m'ineral

◈ liam

i realized that i made a mistake, bc earlier luke mentioned that he had a boyfriend called chad, but he lied about that okay? his relationship with chad was over long before he died. after that he got with the abusive one. so, sorry for fucking up.

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