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MICHAEL'S POV (i find it easier to write in his POV)

I knew that it was a stupid idea to fall asleep. But I still let it happen. It was stupid of me to believe that I could rest without problems. It was around 3 am when Luke shook me, telling me that we had company. He told me that there were 2 demons somewhere around the house. He handed me his cross-shaped dagger that I recognized as one of the only weapons that could kill demons. Him giving me it made me realize something. I had to kill my brothers. Even though they hate me, they're still family and I wasn't sure that I could kill them. I looked up at Luke and saw him staring at me with an unreadable expression. His face softened when he noticed my worries.

"I know what's going through you mind, but that's not why I gave it to you. I know you can't kill them, but if they attack you, you can defend yourself. I could give you a gun, if you feel better with that?" Luke offered. I nodded, and we switched weapons. He hid the dagger and took a gun from the table. He looked at me as to ask me if I was ready. I gave a small nod and we went to the living room. We decided to not go outside, since it would bring too much attention, even though the aria was surrounded by high trees. If there was going to be a fight, it was better to do it in the already destroyed living room. A few windows were smashed open, so we could run out of there if we had too. We hid other weapons in the kitchen, so if we run out of bullets or something we could get it of there. Suddenly Luke's hand was on my arm. I looked right into his beautiful blue eyes and I tried to not think of it. Lately, I was having these weird feeling when I looked at or touched him. I had no idea what it was or what to do so I ignored it.

"They are close," he whispered. I swallowed hard, trying to hide my nerves. Luke raised his eyebrows in a questioning way, but I just shook it off. I didn't want Luke to know that I was almost shitting my pants, because he already had so much on his mind.

"As soon as a fight breaks out, I want you to run or fly as far away as possible. Hide somewhere and I'll somehow find you. Got it?" he asked me. Wait, he wants me to leave him here alone with two, and maybe even more, very angry demons? Hell no.

"I'm not leaving you here alone. If something happens, I stay and help," I told him. He tried to argue, but I just told him to shut up. I never argued, but I wasn't going to just leave him. He's helped me a lot, and it would be a dick move to just run away when bad things happen. Luke dropped my arm and turned around. I glanced at the door and saw Seth and Damien standing there. My eyes widened and my throat tightened. I was okay with every brother, but not Damien. He was the one that hated me the most, and I was terrified of him. He and Kai once almost killed me, but father stopped them before it happened. Secretly, I wished that they just killed me. If they did, none of this would've happened and Luke would be way saver.

"Hi, Michael," Damien sneered. His voice was so strong and angry that it gave me goosebumps. I knew better but to let it show how scared I was, because Damien could feel you emotions, and that's why he was the strongest. He was the one who was the best with humans, because their emotions are what make them weak, especially against Damien.

"What's wrong, brother? Lost your tongue? You are always so quiet around us, almost like you are scared of us," Seth said. I still didn't reply. They ignored Luke's existence and Seth continued. "You know, Michael, you shouldn't be scared. We're not going to hurt you, yet."

I looked to my side and saw that Luke was very angry. I knew that Damien felt his anger, so I quickly grabbed his hand, hoping that he would calm down a bit. It seemed to have worked, because his face looked more relaxed. I gave his hand a small squeeze before letting it go again. I returned my attention to Damien and Seth and saw that they didn't notice what happened.

"Listen," I started, trying to sound confident. "I am not going back with you. Please, leave us alone or I'll cut your fucking throats." I was taken back a little by myself, I usually would never say anything like this. Even though they weren't used to me actually speaking up, they still laughed at me.

"Yeah, right. Like you would do that. You can't even bite a goddamn human, and we need to believe that you can kill us?" Seth said. He thought I couldn't do it? I'll show him. I slightly bent over to Luke and removed the dagger out of Luke's pocket. Luke noticed, but before he could say anything I made my way over to Seth and jumped on top of him. I saw Damien moving towards me in the corner of my eye, but I already stabbed the sharp dagger straight into Seth's chest. His angry eyes turned lifeless and I stood up, removing the dagger. I turned to Damien, and saw him standing there. He looked shocked at first, but soon he looked more angry than first. I was about to go for him too, but Luke pulled me behind him. He took the dagger out of my hand and leaned to me.

"I can feel another one, a stronger one. Is one of your brothers stronger than Damien?" he asked me. I thought about it. There was one brother, Kai, he was the younger than Damien. He was stronger in one way; he could torture someone's mind. While Damien was physically stronger, Kai could kill through minds.

I was about to tell Luke about that when Kai came into the room too. Everything after that went fast. Luke noticed Kai and gasped loudly, freezing. I was about to ask him what was wrong when he collapsed on the ground. Kai and Damien looked at eachother and Kai nodded. The both ran over to us when I heard a voice screaming.

"Michael, run!" they yelled. I didn't hesitate and lifted Luke up, and ran through one of the open fields, into the woods. I was too tired and scared to fly, what if there were others around? They could see me flying. I ran further into the woods until I came to a part where the trees were so high that it blocked out all sunlight. I lay Luke down on the ground and sat next to him. I had no idea what was wrong with him, so it was better to just wait until he woke up.

If I said that I was worried, it would be an understatement. It couldn't be coincidence that, as soon as Kai walked in, Luke blacked out?

There were two ways to find out what was going on; wait for Luke to tell me what's wrong, with a chance of him not telling the truth, or using my gift. I haven't used my gift ever since I accidentally found out what I could do. I hated doing it, especially doing it to Luke, because I was invading his private life. But I needed to know how they knew eachother, because know what happened could help us.

My gift was that I could look into someone's past. I once accidentally used it on one of my brothers, and saw him biting humans and stuff. It was the most horrifying thing that I had ever seen and I promised myself that I would never use it again. Yet, here I am, thinking about breaking my promise just because I am curious.

I took his hand in mine, closing my eyes. I concentrated on my goal while listening to the sound of the birds around me. It was actually quite calming here, and I enjoyed the smell of the forest. I was about to give up, when I saw scenes flash in my head. Luke with a boy of his age, holding hands, probably his boyfriend. Then I saw a younger Luke with two older humans, male and female. Probably his parents. Then saw a view of him in the dark, hiding behind a wall in an alley. In the alley where two silhouettes, one pushing the other one against a wall. I saw Luke running into the alley, yelling at the person that was pushing. They turned around and I hold in a gasp. The guy was Kai, and he was holding the lifeless body of a human. Luke saw what Kai did and turned around, trying to run away. He only got to take a few steps before he fell on the ground, gripping his head while screaming. Kai laughed at him while making his way over to Luke, who was crawling on the ground while tears were streaming down his cheeks. Kai pushed Luke so that they were facing eachother. He leaned over and whispered something in Luke's ear before cutting his throat with a knife that I didn't notice before. Luke coughed loudly, blood everywhere, before he dropped on the ground, eyes wide open and lifeless. Kai turned around and ran away, leaving the two bodies in the alley there. I let go of Luke's hand and stared at him.

So Kai was the reason that Luke died? Luke was innocent, he was just trying to help the person that Kai killed. I felt anger burning inside me. How could that dick do that? And the look on his face, like he was amused by Luke's torture. It was sick. There was one thing that I knew for sure; Kai was going to pay for this.


hello. the new rad character is going to be introduced next chapter. i hope u enjoyed this one.

please vote and/or comment and i love you.

◈ liam

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