Chapter 25 // Well....

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Ray groaned, his head pounding like a drumline at a parade.

Ray: "Ugh, A fucking over the head works be less painful."

He tried to sit up, but an unexpected weight pinned him down. Confused, he looked down, and that's when he remembered. Lily was sprawled across his chest, fast asleep, her hand clutching his shirt like it was a life raft.

Ray: "First time we sleep together, and she's the top. never letting that down."

He tilted his head to inspect her face. Her eyes were still slightly puffy, her lashes damp from what looked like a night of crying. His shirt was wet where her face had been resting.

Ray: "Jeez, was she crying all night?"

He sighed, glancing at the clock on his bedside table. It was still the middle of the night, which meant there wasn't much he could do, and the "t-shirt grabbing terror," showed no signs of letting go.

Ray: 'Guess I'm stuck here.'

Ray shifted uncomfortably under Lily's weight. As carefully as he could, he slid her off him and onto the side of the bed. She clung to the blanket like her life depended on it, leaving Ray with barely an inch of it for himself.

Ray: "Taking most of the blanket? Is this how divorced men feel?"

His grumbling stopped as he noticed something strange. Lily started to shake, not from the cold, because she was bundled up snugly.

Her body twitched, legs kicking out sporadically, her face twisted into a grimace. She was sweating more than normal, and soft, distressed whimpers escaped her lips. It was almost puppy-like, which under different circumstances might've been cute, but now it just made Ray's stomach twist.

Her eyes were clenched shut, and as he leaned closer, he saw tears pooling in the corners. Her breathing was rapid and shallow, like she was trapped in some kind of nightmare she couldn’t escape.

Now fully concerned, Ray reached out and shook her shoulder lightly.

Ray: "Oi, Lily. Wake up. Come on, snap out of it...please."

No response. Her body remained rigid, trembling under his touch, and her breathing didn't slow.

Ray's brow furrowed, panic creeping in. He pressed a hand to her forehead, it felt cold, unnaturally so. He cursed under his breath, trying to think of what to do.

Ray: "Of all the nights to have a breakdown, you pick this one…"

Running out of options, he did the one thing that came to mind, no matter how ridiculous it felt. He leaned down and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close against his chest.

Ray: "This is so stupid…"

But to his shock, the effect was immediate. The moment his arms enclosed around her, Lily's thrashing stilled. Her breathing slowed, her body relaxed, and the whimpers ceased.

Ray blinked, stunned.

Ray: "You've gotta be kidding me. That actually worked?"

He stayed like that for a moment, holding her while his mind raced. A soft sigh escaped Lily as she nuzzled closer into him, her face finally peaceful.

Ray: "Really..."

Despite his words, he didn't let go. Instead, he adjusted the blanket around both of them and settled back, resigned to his new role.

Timeskip ⏰》

The morning sun peeked through the curtains as the house stirred to life. Johnathan, fully awake and clad in his hero attire for an early mission, knocked on Ray's door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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