Chapter 9 // Calvary Battle

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After the intense Obstacle Race, the field of competitors was narrowed down to 44 students. Surprisingly, or perhaps not, all of the Hero Course students had made it through, with the exceptions of Shinshou and Hatsume. Midnight stood before the crowd, her voice dripping with excitement as she explained the next event: the Cavalry Battle.

Midnight: "Participants will form teams of up to four people! The goal is simple; snatch as many headbands as you can while protecting your own. The value of your headband depends on in your place in the Obstacle Race."

She gestured toward the leaderboard, which displayed the point system. Last place was worth 5 points, Each rank above added 5 more points than the previous rank. And first place? The headband was worth a jaw-dropping 10 million points.

 And first place? The headband was worth a jaw-dropping 10 million points

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The announcement sent shockwaves through the students. All eyes turned toward Midoriya, who shifted nervously under the weight of their collective stares. The crowd erupted into whispers, plotting strategies and alliances. Everyone wanted the 10 million-point headband

Ray wasted no time. Ignoring his usual friends, he grabbed Lily by the arm and pulled her aside.

Ray: "You're on my team."

Lily: "Uh...sure? But why me first?"

Ray: "Because you're sneaky, and your quirk is weird. That's perfect for this kind of game."

Lily blinked, unsure if she should feel complimented or offended, but she nodded anyway.

Ray: "Alright, now we need two more. Any recommendations?"

Lily thought for a moment before pointing toward Yosetsu Awase and their class representative, Itsuka Kendo from Class 1-B.

Lily: "Awase's quirk can weld stuff together, and Kendo has those giant hands. They'd make a solid team."

Ray smirked.

Ray: "Good choices."

The duo approached Awase and Kendo, who seemed surprised but intrigued by the offer. Lily worked her magic, explaining the benefits of teaming up with Ray. Her enthusiasm, combined with Ray's sheer audacity, convinced the Class 1-B pair to join.

Meanwhile, Mineta, who had been eavesdropping, was not happy.

Mineta: "TRAITOR! How dare you pick students from Class 1-B over your own classmates?! That's our rival class!"

Ray turned slowly.

Ray: "Mineta..."

Mineta: "W-what?"

Before Mineta could react, Ray grabbed him by the scruff of his uniform, lifted him effortlessly, and punted him like a football across the field. Mineta's scream echoed through the stadium as he landed unceremoniously in a pile of hay.

Ray: "Problem solved."

Lily couldn't hold back her laughter, while Awase and Kendo exchanged wide-eyed glances. With their team assembled, Ray's mind raced with strategies.

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